As we've been reporting, the owners of The Wayland on Avenue C are planning on opening a new neighborhood bar called The Drift ... first at 129 Avenue C, then when those plans didn't work out, at 157 Avenue C, the current home of Royale. In fact, co-owners Robert Ceraso and Jason Mendenhall were on this month's CB3/SLA agenda for a new liquor license for the space.
Apparently, this is no longer in the making at the Royale space. We heard from Royale's management yesterday, and they assured us that they aren't going anywhere ... Royale even renegotiated a new 10-year lease at No. 157 between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street.
Here's a statement that Royale management shared with us:
As we go into our 10th year of business, we would like to thank all of our loyal customers for their dedicated patronage. We are unendingly grateful to all of our wonderful neighbors, who together have helped to weave the complex and rewarding fabric of this exceptional community.
After being welcomed so many years ago, we have always attempted to return the favor the only way we know how: with a smile, a burger, and a place you can hopefully call your home away from home.
Even when tragedy struck in the form of Hurricane Sandy leaving us as well as our neighbors struggling, it was your continued love and support that allowed us to grow and move forward.
Most of all, though, we just feel really damn lucky to be part of your lives.
All of us at Royale are looking forward to serving our beloved community for the next 10 years and we hope that you will join us.
Happy 2016,
We asked Ceraso for comment on this development.
"The Wayland supports the Royale team's decision to continue at their location on Avenue C. They have always been good neighbors and we are glad that they will continue to be for years to come," he said via email.
And as we noted yesterday, Ceraso is hosting a neighborhood meeting tonight at the Wayland, 700 E. Ninth St. at Avenue C. This meeting is still a go, though the agenda is slightly different with the Royale space off the agenda.
"We still extend our invitation to our neighbors to come and have a sit down with us at the Wayland to discuss anything and everything anyone has on their minds and to try to start a healthy dialogue between neighbors and bar owners that we hope can benefit all of us," Ceraso said. "We’ll serve some food and some drinks and hopefully make some new friends."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Wayland owners catching a Drift on Avenue C
Wayland owners now eyeing Royale space for The Drift on Avenue C
Wayland owners hosting a neighborhood Q-and-A tomorrow night about new venture at 157 Avenue C