You've likely seen these flexing, amorphous figures around on various buildings, construction sites, sidewalk cellar doors and at least two USPS trucks in recent weeks.
Here's just a sampling from the past week-plus...
People recall first seeing these in early to mid January...
The figures are growing in popularity, at least among a few Instagram users who have referred to the character as Super Girl (or Supergirl) and Power Puff Girl. We don't know who the identity of the artist, but the person calls these figures Stargirl.
The spray-painted drawings are pretty consistent — a smile, flexing arms and a star on the belly. Sometimes she is alone. Other times in packs. She has been spotted on the Lower East Side. We've had a sighting via a reader on 14th Street and Sixth Avenue. We haven't spotted many, if any, east of Avenue B...
Once she did the splits...
Several times the name Gwen appeared nearby...
The photos of these on Third Avenue and St. Mark's Place are from late January. They've been painted over.

But there will be many more, no doubt.