The mural of the World Trade Center went up in the days after 9/11 here on Ninth Street at Avenue A.
I never knew who the artist was ... As I learned today, it is the work of Jesse Fischler, who co-owned the former Shrine Records on Ninth Street. (Thank you @thismikewolf)
It has, for the most part, remained untouched through the years — even with a new landlord and the departure of the existing businesses here. (The building was painted in late 2014.)
Other 9/11 murals in the neighborhood haven't fared so well. Chico's Twin Towers tribute on Avenue A at 14th Street was covered by ads then painted over. Back in 2003, Cooper Union had the "Forever Tall" mural painted over at 35 Cooper Square to make way for ads. (The whole building was eventually demolished anyway.)
And back in May, someone tagged/vandalized this mural on Second Street just east of Avenue B...

[Photo by Naomi Paulin]
Students had created this as a tribute to 9/11 victims.