And, given the barfy ways of some bargoers these days.... just in case!

...and for the little ones...

OK, OK... I just randomly found these on Cafe Press.... they have nothing to do with the other C-4...
An explosive device was found in an East Village cemetery on Monday, causing nearby residents to be evacuated from their homes, police said.
The device, which was found in Marble Cemetery on 2nd Street between First and Second Avenues just before 11 a.m. on Monday, did not explode — and could not have exploded — because it did not contain enough material to do so, the NYPD confirmed.
It was not immediately clear exactly what the device was.
The cemetery is not usually open to the public, but the site was open for tours as part of this weekend's Open House NY program on Saturday and Sunday.
Police shut down the block on which the cemetery is located and anticipate its closure through the middle of the afternoon while the bomb squad survey the area, according to NYPD on the scene.