Showing posts with label sinkholes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sinkholes. Show all posts

Saturday, May 3, 2014

East 10th Street (mini) sinkhole no longer sinking, probably

[Yesterday, start of the journey to the center of the Earth]

Late yesterday afternoon, a local website breathlessly reported on a "sinkhole" opening up on East 10th Street right by the Tompkins Square Library branch…

While we weren't able to swing by for a factual update today (to be honest, it wasn't happy hour) … an EVG reader passed along these photos showing what has happened here between Avenue A and Avenue B …

Later yesterday!


So all is well… though you may not want to walk on the plate on the street with flip-flops or anything else that easily melts…

Friday, May 2, 2014

[Updated] Sinkhole opens up on East 10th Street

Around 4:45, some passersby flagged down an NYPD cruiser … seems as if a sinkhole just opened right up … much to the excitement of some of the teens standing nearby…

Not likely coincidentally … this is almost the exact spot between Avenue A and Avenue B where Con Ed was called in on Wednesday morning…

[Photo by EVG reader John]

… Con Ed blocked off this street for part of the morning.

[Photo by William Klayer]


Not sure what is going on … We hate to speculate, but it's totally a volcano … watch Tommy Lee Jones in action. It may save your life.

Updated 5:20 p.m.

Oh, it's fixed!

[Photo by Fashionby He]

Haha. Just temporary waiting for Con Ed! Or someone! Anyone? Hello??

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Checking in on the Second Avenue sinkhole


We've been keeping tabs on the sinking sinkhole in the middle of Second Avenue and East Seventh Street...


Our friend @adrjeffries sent along this update today... looking slightly more sinkholier, though it's hard to say without the mangled ConEd barricades in the way...

In any event, enjoy it while you can before the celebrities arrive...

[August 2009]

Friday, June 14, 2013

Essex Street sinkhole now threatening to swallow this 'Village Voice' box

Back on Monday, BoweryBoogie reported on the sinkhole that formed at the southwest corner of Essex and Stanton Streets following Tropical Storm Andrea...

There's progress to report. Not so much in favor of pedestrians, cyclists or motorists (or newspaper boxes) though...

[Photo by EVG reader Riad]

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sinkhole threatens to swallow Avenue A, or at least this trash can

Uh-oh! Run! Or walk briskly! Dave on 7th reports that a sinkhole is growing (or getting deeper) here on Avenue A between East Third Street and East Second Street ...

Meanwhile, developers have until 5 today to submit their bids for the sinkhole.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sinkhole alert: East Second Street now ready to swallow your car

On Saturday we noticed a smallish sinkhole forming here on East Second Street the Bowery and Second Avenue. And it has grown. The NYPD now has the street blocked off... can definitely get a MINI Cooper in there...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Aspiring sinkhole starts sinking on Avenue C

Spotted at East 10th Street. Please call 311 once it reaches the East Village Tavern's sidewalk seating.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Budding Second Avenue sinkhole now out of the running as a sinkhole to watch this summer

After our "2 potential sinkholes to watch this summer" listicle from Friday... several readers pointed us to another budding Sinkhole to Watch ... this one on Second Avenue at East Seventh Street, an intersection well-known for famous sinkholes...

As seen yesterday...

Yes, perfect!

But! Today, workers patched up the hole for now...

Friday, July 6, 2012

2 potential sinkholes to watch this summer

You never know when a sinkhole might come along and try to, say, swallow a moving truck.

So. With that in mind.

Two potential sinkholes to keep an eye on...

First Avenue near St. Mark's Place...

... and at the St. Mark's entrance of Tompkins Square Park... a problem in the past...

Remember: If you see something swallowed by a sinkhole, say something.

Photos by Bobby Williams.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back to work on the Seventh Street sinkhole

On June 22, a moving truck got stuck in a pothole-turned-sinkhole on East Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... Crews worked to cover up the hole on June 22 and 23...

However, workers returned for the first time yesterday to finish the job...

EVG reader Chris Kilmer notes that some residents along have been without gas service since Jun 22 ... Via Chris, some aerial views of the extensive sinkhole-sewer repair...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sinkhole repairs continue on Seventh Street

Workers are still on the scene this morning between First Avenue and Second Avenue... repairing the sinkhole and what not on the block...

Meanwhile, when I went outside to drop an extra safety flare into the sewer, people reported smelling gas on the block. The FDNY was on the scene, did some inspecting, and gave it the all clear.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Work continues on East Seventh Street sinkhole

EVG reader MP let's us know that work continues tonight on the sinkhole that formed on Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue earlier today...

Per MP: "Apparently there was mass car towing by nypd making for unhappy residents and very unhappy bridge and tunnelers."

Moving truck stuck in East Seventh Street sinkhole

We heard reports late this morning about police activity on East Seventh Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... including the presence of crime-scene tape...

Turns out that it's for this moving truck, whose rear wheel got lodged in a sinkhole (or, perhaps, caused the sinkhole...)

Thanks to EVG reader @Knickerbock4Lif for the early accounts and these photos...

... and via another reader...

...and EVG reader Ryan...

And not the first time a moving truck has been nearly swallowed by a sinkhole in the East Village.