Showing posts with label trash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trash. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Discarded carpet of the day, probably

If that is actually carpet ditched here on East Fourth Street at the Bowery...

Photo via Derek Berg

Monday, February 2, 2015

London calling

Map of the London Underground in the trash on Second Avenue and East 11th Street...

Photos by Vinny and O.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Moving Day aftermath

East Seventh Street at Avenue A last night via Dave on 7th.

Seemed as if people were moving in or out of practically every building around this past weekend…

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2 doors down

Up for grabs early this evening outside 233 E. 10th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue…

Friday, August 1, 2014

Today's move-out haul

[Random trash photo — NOT the trash mentioned below]

An EVG reader shared this email with the subject line "Left items from transitional suburban students"

"I go out back to put my recycling in the bin, and there are mounds of crap this month's brats have left behind. Feeling badly for our super, I attempt to sort everything into glass, paper, trash, etc.

Among other items I found: 1 $20 Starbucks card, 1 $18 MasterCard gift card, a Metro Card, several travel toiletries, 1 French nail kit, etc.

My point — we could make a list of places these kids could be giving this stuff to.

The reader sent a follow-up note:

"I found out the Metro Card had $7.50 left on it during my trip to work!"

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Discarded couch-chair matching sets of the day

East Sixth Street near Avenue C…

It looks better the closer you go… the more like technologically advanced form of extraterrestrial life…

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Neighbors complaining about the trash at newly opened Taverna Kyclades

The East Village outpost of Astoria favorite Taverna Kyclades opened for business last week at 228 First Ave. By most accounts, people are very happy to have the chance to eat their Greek fare in the neighborhood.

However, some neighbors here between East 13th Street and East 14th Street are already grumbling about the restaurant's trash.

Here is one claim by an affected party, who sent along the photos:

"They dump really stinky fish trash not in front of their restaurant but outside of neighboring business properties and next door to the local street fruit market seller ... causing horrible stenches."

Neighbors have called 311 to complain, though it is not clear if they have reached out directly to restaurant management to resolve the issue.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bag from the past

EVG reader Lara Kubovcik spotted spotted a familiar site on First Avenue and East 11th Street yesterday... this Tower Records bag... the store on East Fourth Street and Broadway closed in 2006 (as well as the one on the Upper West Side) ... which reminds me to drop my Gimbels bag on the street one of these days...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

East Village residents already giving up on spring

East 10th Street and Third Avenue this morning... wind chill is in the 20s at the moment.

Also! To show the trend. From last Sunday on Second Avenue and East Fourth Street...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Following the trash bag on East Sixth Street

Meant to post this earlier... but actual news happened... Spotted this morning on East Sixth Street at Avenue A...

... and on the other side of the cars that are practically touching on the street...

Who wants to diagram what happened here?

Monday, October 22, 2012

And how was your morning?

A photo from Shawn Chittle this morning on East 11th Street at Avenue A...

Also, a Facebook friend asked, "Did anyone hear those series of mini-blasts and rumbles in the E. Village starting around 7:45 a.m?" This was roughly in the northern stretch of Avenue B.

And an observation from an early-morning walk ...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Trash talk

A reader noted the following this morning... the fellow here between 12th Street and 13th Street placed these garbage bags in the middle of Third Avenue...

Making it easier for the sanitation department?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012


Spotted on Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B by EVG reader Amy, who notes, "street art or trash?"

Or both.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Do rats know how to Push?

In our ongoing coverage of the TSP Ratstravaganza, we've discussed the problems with the trash outside the Park — specifically on the corners of 10th Street and Avenue A that provided another possible source of food. You know, just dart across the street for the smörgÃ¥sbord.

Anyway, the city has added new Push tops on the corner cans.

We waited to post these until the early reviews were in... so far, the new Push lids haven't been reviewed on Yelp.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Post discovers 2 Bros. Pizza on St. Mark's Place; and what eatery generates more litter?

Odd little story in the Post yesterday.

Two new $1 pizza joints on St. Mark’s Place are fueling a greasy scourge on the dense East Village street, according to fed-up locals.

Drunken patrons of twin 2 Bros. Pizza places have left a sad trail of paper plates, crusts and soda cans across sidewalks and stoops in the last year, disgusted residents said.

OK. It can be messy out front of the two 2 Bros. So why an odd story? Well, because the first 2 Bros. Pizza opened here in 2008. Not really new. The second 2 Bros. opened a few doors away in January.

And I'd argue that 16 Handles generates more litter ... at least in front of St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery...

More on this here. ... and here ...