Sunday, June 3, 2012

Art Around the Park, Part II

A sampling of the art this morning in Art Around the Park... before the crowds arrive...

... and anyone recognize the pooch in the photo?

We hear that Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street is now doing some modeling...

Meanwhile, at the Ow! Festival

During the Howl! Festival yesterday in Tompkins Square Park, a red-tailed hawk swooped down and grabbed a Starling ... photos by Bobby Williams.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Art Around the Park, Part I

Art Around the Park today via peter radley...

... It's Fly...

Chico's Basquiat

Art Around the Park today... Photos by Bobby Williams.

Allen Around the Park

Scenes from the Howl! Festival via ~Joan...

Let's get this Arty Started

Did I just really write that headline?


Art Around the Park in progress... by Bobby Williams...

A lot of Howling...

A few photos form the Howl! Festival today via Barbara L. Hanson...

Art Around the Park, in progress

Via EV Grieve reader John...

A few early favorites...

Via @handelsaurus

Via ‏@hellosamo

We'll have more later...

How about some more gelato for Second Avenue?

Jeremiah and I have both been watching the former Estroff Pharmacy space on Second Avenue between St. Mark's Place and East Ninth Street ... As he noted about the "cryptic symbol" in the front window of the incoming business... "Fro-yo? Mashed potatoes?" ... (And cause for an anxiety dream) ...

[Via JVNY]

Workers on the scene this morning are putting in the new signage and front window, etc. Any guesses?

It will be a gelato shop/cafe.

Gelato? Aren't you thinking that a new gelato shop just opened on Second Avenue? Yes, down just south of East Fourth Street...

Meanwhile, around the corner on St. Mark's Place...

The shell of the former Timi's Gelateria Classica™ — "a gelato franchise for the 21st century, with true Italian artisanal gelato made fresh daily" — sits empty since closing late last year.