Friday, July 20, 2012

[Updated] Reader report: Fire in the Union Square subway stop

There are reports of a fire in the Union Square subway stop... no word how extensive this might be... possibly contained to one small area on the south side of East 14th Street outside the Duane Reade ... am posting tweets/photos as people post them to Twitter...



Updated 1:17 p.m.:

Per a witness: "Word on the street is electrical converter on fire underground at Union Square."





Updated 2:49 p.m.

Per Gothamist: "Con Ed says the fire at Union Square is out, and was caused by 'failure of electrical cables.'"

Report: Stuy Town full of fire code violations

Here's a story that merits widespread coverage... The Stuyvesant Town Tenants Association's new survey finds fire code violations in all but four of the complex's 110 buildings. Tenants Association volunteers recently inspected the buildings to check on things like building maintenance and cleanliness and what they found were a whole lot of fire code violations. Cut to the report:

"The survey, conducted in late spring by Tenants Association volunteers, discovered instances in all but four buildings in which fire doors do not close properly, in violation of Fire Code requirements that fire doors be self-closing. The TA has brought the survey results to the attention of Fire Commissioner Salvatore J. Cassano and Sean Sullivan, General Manager of ST/PCV.

In addition to the findings on the doors, the TA’s volunteers noted buildings that were missing floor indicator signage in hallways, on stair doors, and in stairwells; standpipes that were locked and chained; piping passing through holes larger than the pipes themselves creating a path for fire and smoke to travel; and what are unsafe and non-code-compliant window safety panes, such as plastic, in the fire doors themselves."

A FDNY Fire Inspector described the failure of self-closing doors as “extremely dangerous, because it could fail to stop the spread of fire, and especially smoke, to other areas of the structure."

To make matters worse, they found evidence of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use in the stairwells as well as indications that people have been using stair landings to relieve themselves and their dogs.

Anyway, at least they have a snappy new cafe!

Read the full report from the Tenants Association here:
Over 580 Fire Doors Are Found Not To Close In Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village

Building study reveals fire code violations (Town & Village Blog)

Will people still be able to sleep on the sidewalk near David Schwimmer's house once he lives there?

Whenever I walk by the incoming Schwimmer Estate on East Sixth Street in the morning, I usually spot some people sleeping on the sidewalk two doors to the east... in front of the new cafe that's opening...

As far as I can tell, they are travelers... likely around just for the summers, of course. But other people who have camped near here have been a little more permanentat least when they weren't going to Rikers.

Anyway, once the Schwimmer Clan moves in, do you think they'll be OK with people sleeping so close to their million-dollar home? Maybe that's part of the flavor of living here? Or perhaps he'll have the 9th Precinct keep the area free of any sidewalk sleepers... sending them up the block...

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

And here's how the Schwimmer Estate was looking as of yesterday....

[Bobby Williams]

Cash Mob for the Move tomorrow at St. Mark's Bookshop

[Via Facebook]

In case you didn't see this on Monday at Jeremiah's Vanishing New York... there's another Cash Mob at St. Mark's Bookshop... tomorrow at 3 ... the owners are in the preliminary stages of moving to a smaller space... plus, sales are slow now in the summer doldrums...

The Details:
Date: Saturday, July 21
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: St. Mark's Bookshop, 31 3rd Avenue between 8th and 9th
Goal: Spend money on books! Tell them "Jeremiah sent me" and if you're one of the first 20 people to spend $10, you get a $5 gift certificate for your next visit.
After the Mob: Head over to Bar 82 at 136 2nd Ave., between 8th and 9th, to drink and celebrate with your fellow cash-mobbers.

Meanwhile, in an article in this week's of The Villager, the paper reports that co-owners Terry McCoy and Bob Contant are looking to move to a place 2,000 square feet or less, with a proportionally lower rent to match. (The current space is roughly 2,700 square feet.)

And to move somewhere else in the neighborhood.

Said McCoy: "This store’s whole identity is linked to the East Village. We can't go anywhere else. It's our reason for being."

BBQ for B?

After reading about Eater's scoop on Mighty Quinn's BBQ opening in the Vandaag space ... a tipster told us that a BBQ joint has been in the works for 172 Avenue B in the former Mercadito Cantina space... the tipster offered up zero information about who was behind the possible venture...

In any event, 172 Avenue B has been on the CB3/SLA agenda the last two months... and has scratched each month...

Perhaps the mystery applicant will try again in August...

Conversations that we kinda wanted to hear

The NYPD pulls over the Laboratorio del Gelato truck on Second Avenue near St. Mark's Place yesterday afternoon.

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Report: East Village man arrested in 25-year-old cold-case murder

The NYPD arrested 53-year-old Edwin Alcaide of East 10th Street this afternoon and charged him in the death of 19-year-old Lissette Torres. She was found stabbed to death in Sunset Park on New Year's Day in 1987. (Daily News)


[Via @JanineJuanita]

East 10th Street and Second Avenue... Hijinks? "Dark Knight Rises"-related pub crawl?

The State seizes Fares Deli on Avenue A

Bobby Williams passes along word this afternoon that the State has seized Fares Deli on Avenue A for "non payment of taxes."

Perhaps this is all temporary, as we saw in February with Avenue A Wine & Liquor ... Or maybe this is the second deli to close on Avenue A this year...

[Updated] Q-and-A with Michael Dominic, director of 'Sunshine Hotel'

In 1999, filmmaker-photojournalist Michael Dominic set out to document the residents at the Sunshine Hotel, one of the few remaining flophouses on the Bowery. He wanted to know more about the men who had been living there, in four-by-six-foot cubicles topped by a ceiling made of chicken wire, with no particular place to go.

Dominic's ensuing documentary, "Sunshine Hotel," released in 2001, received a slew of festival awards and played on the Sundance Channel. The independently funded film was recently released on DVD for the first time. On this occasion, Dominic answered a few questions via email for us.

Have you been back to the hotel in recent years? Have you received any updates about the people who you featured in the film?

I pass by the hotel all the time but haven't been inside since 2002. But I have kept track of the changes to the hotel and the area. As far as I know, none of the residents that I knew are still living there. Many I know for a fact have died. The owners have stopped allowing new tenants and there are only a handful living in one section of the building now. [Updated: Dominic has learned that two of the men in the film, Bruce Davis and Tyrone, are still living at the hotel.]

The sister of one of my subjects in the film named Vic contacted me recently. He died in 2006, but she only found him again after nearly 50 years through my film. She and her brothers were able to gain some sort of closure after a very long time of believing he was a missing person. It was a moving experience.

For you, what are the most profound changes of the Bowery during which the film is set and the Bowery of today?

The Bowery is ever changing. Now it's on an upswing. On the ground floor of the Sunshine Hotel there is a new restaurant and an art gallery. It looks like they're planning another restaurant as well on the corner. As soon as the last of the tenants leave the Sunshine, I'm sure that they will convert the buildings into luxury housing.

When I shot Sunshine Hotel back in 1999, the Bowery was already what I thought of as gentrified. But now, looking back, that wasn't anything. Certain parts have been completely rebuilt and there's really nothing left of the old strip as far as the goings on. There are expensive restaurants, hotels and apartment buildings — and there isn't a single actual flophouse on the Bowery anymore.

Is that a bad thing? Times change and probably a long strip of drunken homeless men running through the center of the Lower East Side isn't the best idea. Still, when I look at the Whole Foods on the corner of Bowery and Houston, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The DVD release allows a new audience to experience the film. What would you like people to take away from "The Sunshine Hotel"?

People should remember what NYC was. They should remember it as something unique and beautiful, albeit seedy. We as a city have overdone it on clean-up. We have lost character. I hope that my film caught a little of the last of that era of New York, "when the Bowery was the Bowery."

[Nathan Smith, the hotel's manager]

Some 13 years later, what has stayed with you about making this film?

Nathan [Smith — the hotel's manager]. His friendship. He died 10 years ago, but rarely a day goes by that I don't think about him.

[Yesterday outside the Sunshine... photo by Bobby Williams]

You can buy the DVD here ... it's also available on Amazon. Dominic is now working on a documentary titled "Clean Hands," which chronicles the residents of La Chureca — Nicaragua’s largest, most dangerous garbage dump.