Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm lovin' it!

The McDonald's ad is getting painted over on First Avenue near Second Street. I'm curious, though, do you suppose in, say 20 years, we'll be excited about the discovery of a faded McDonald's ad?

Pearl Street officially a street again -- with a parked Mercedes to prove it

May 8


Previously on EV Grieve.

I looked so you don't have to

Stupid viral ads. These Lucy fliers have seemingly been everywhere on Second Avenue. I finally looked at the advertised url. Fat chance that it's going to be another cutesy, annoying subway romance tail. The fliers are for a new Web series on IFC.

A Manhattan family that intrigues, intimidates and nauseates

Well, in case you haven't read about the Novogratz family yet... The UK Times checks in with a feature, asking in the headline: Is this the world's coolest family?

Prepare to be intrigued, intimidated and, if you are the jealous or private type, possibly a little nauseated. The Novogratz family — two good-looking parents and seven photogenic children, along with their $25 million Manhattan mansion, Brazilian beach house, New England country estate, famous friends and cool parties — could soon be the name that you associate with everything from sandwich bags to boutique hotels.

Robert Novogratz, 46, his wife Cortney, 37, and their brood, which includes two sets of twins, have been renovating dilapidated buildings in New York’s up-and-coming neighbourhoods for 13 years. Along the way, they have charmed the city’s style magazines and blogs with their ability to combine French salvage, flea market finds, undiscovered artists and high-end fittings to striking effect.

[Photo by Christine Seib via]

An update on the East Village of Des Moines

Remember that classic 1930s service station in the East Village of Des Moines, Iowa, that was saved?

It's now for sale on eBay for $26,000. (Via The Des Moines Register)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fire trucks at Fifth Street and First Avenue

Around 6 p.m. Turned out to be a false alarm. But it provided for a few moments of drama.

And people watching.

A lot of motorcycles on the FDR

The reader e-mail continues to get more interesting... Here are shots someone took yesterday afternoon showing hundreds of motorcycles traveling south on the FDR... Anyone know what this was about...?

At 2 x 4: Another bar, another awning?

The Evolution is not dead after all!

According to the door, the bar is being renovated...

As a commenter noted last time:

My roommate and I have been going to 2 by 4 for years now, so when I saw that it shut down, we had to find out what was up. We swung by there last night and saw Eric and Heather inside, so my roommate banged on the door and they opened up. The whole place was gutted and they're doing massive renovations, but they're reopening in mid-July.

It won't be 2 by 4 anymore, but the ownership is staying the same.

Hmm, perhaps the owners needs some suggestions on a theme for the new bar? I'm sure all of you have some good ideas to share. I've always wanted to open a Patrick Swayze Theme Bar — The Swayyyyyyyyyze. Made in his likeness. With drinks like "Next of Kin" and "Red Dawn." But it seems insensitive given his health.

Weekend in review: Theatre 80 to remain a theater

As the headline says, Theatre 80 to remain a theater.

More people left comments on the pink-sweater-at-the-Mars-Bar post.

Cops shut down Angels & Kings.

A band called DNA (but not the good one) filmed a video at the Cooper Square Hotel.

It got cloudy.

It got sunny.


Friday night at 3Ten Bowery. As the above copy notes, "With summer right around the corner, who could ask for a better motivator to start hitting the gym.... Ladies, you no longer have to wait for Halloween to come around to have an excuse to 'flaunt' it. Men, strip to your skivvies, and be ready to kick it Hefner style with NY's sexiest ladies. Drink, dance and be merry with 75-100 other sexy, confident singles."

Moving into the Coop

A few weeks back in The Villager, Scoopy reported that school officials planned to move into Cooper Union's new academic building at 41 Cooper Square by the summer. (The ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new building is Sept. 15.) Well, this seemed awfully ambitious to me. However, sure enough, over the weekend... the moving trucks lined up....

Meanwhile! The scaffolding is gone from in front of the new building! The graffiti! No!

By the way, what's there now looks a little different from the original rendering...

Step Up 3D returns to the East Village

Filming continues today and tomorrow in the East Village on what will likely be the greatest 3D movie about teen street dancers ever made. Parts of Third Avenue, Second Avenue, Ninth Street, 10th Street and 11th Street will be affected by the dance fever.