Monday, November 9, 2009

Late night with 123 Third Ave.

Onward and upwards at 123 Third Ave. and 14th Street. The new 18-story glassy condo continues to take shape... still no information on the 123 Web site or details on a sales office, though.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Easy as...123 rises
Stopping work at 123 Third Ave.

Bread and buttah may officially be toast

Perhaps the saga of Bread and Butta on Avenue C near 11th Street is coming to an end. We've seen various legal documents slapped on the storefront this past year...and now, the windows have been whited out...

...and yet another legal notice awaits the owners. This one looks pretty final. Thanks to EV Grieve reader DianeB for this shot...

As far as we know, the place never even had the chance to open.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Bread and Butta needs more bread


On 12th Street near Avenue B.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kind of a funny public service announcement at a Cemusa shelter where buses idle like five minutes waiting to board passengers

Avenue C near Seventh Street.

Does Mark Sanchez have a "C.C. and Company" in his future?

Overheard one of the those "Is Mark-Sanchez-the-next-Joe-Namath" conversations the other day. I think they were talking about on the field. Or maybe off the field? The Jets rookie QB has already been featured in a cheesy photo spread...and has appeared in commercials... Fine, fine. Now he needs to star in an unintentionally hilarious biker movie, such as 1970's "C.C. and Company," like Broadway Joe. (Bought my copy when Woolworth's was going out of business on 14th Street.)

Oh, how romantic!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Posts that I never got around to posting: When a limited time means the rest of the year

On Avenue B near Second Street. Took this photo about three weeks ago...

Posts that I never got around to posting: The kitty and the cow

On the Bowery.

Posts that I never got around to posting: The latest (when I took the photo) art on the "crazy landlord" building

Third Street and Second Avenue. Future home of the Belgian Ale House?

Posts that I never got around to posting: Somewhere in Brighton Beach

You know, just something about an ad for hemorrhoids next to a "Deli & Appetizing" sign.

Posts that I never got around to posting: Bicycles vs. fences

Took these in September on Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. Am curious what came first, the bicycles or the signs...

Posts that I never got around to posting: Pizza or pasta for dinner?

Videos that I never got around to posting: Things that I find oddly comforting

That hummmmmmm at the ConEd substation on Avenue A between Fifth Street and Sixth Street.