Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just a feline fatale

Remember, in the summer of 2010, when a woman held up an Astor Place shoe store while wearing a cat mask? She was suspected in several other robberies around the city. Anyway, today, a judge sentenced her to 10 years in prison.

And the sentencing for 29-year-old Shana Spalding was as theatrical as you might suspect who wore a cat mask during a robbery. Per DNAinfo:

"I am not Catwoman!" Spalding shouted. She also told news photographers "Stop taking my picture, you bastards!"

As the media reported, she was the singer for a death metal band called Divine Infamy, who lives on via YouTube.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Summer crime season off to a credible start

Taking the whole 'death and taxes' thing a little too literally

Outside the New York City Marble Cemetery on East Second Street today. By Bobby Williams.

Updated: East Village Farms posts its going-out-of-business signs

[Kevin Shea Adams]

As we first reported on Jan. 6, East Village Farms is closing on Avenue A between Seventh Street and Sixth Street. Earlier today, workers were taking out still-wrapped flats of unopened food and merchandise. (The owners are moving to a store on 48th Street.)

The store closes for good Sunday. And today, as our friends at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop note, the going-out-of-business signs are on the doors.

While the building's owners haven't commented on the plans for the space, the persistent rumor is a full demolition. There still aren't any permits on file with the DOB either.

And a reader just sent these along from the other night here...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

East Village Farms is closing; renovations coming to 100 Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

Reader reports: Village Farms closing Jan. 31; building will be demolished

Sure, it's warm today, but...

Spotted by EV Grieve reader Kurt on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place today.

2 Cooper Square now the property of Kuwait, sort of

Here's some news via Bloomberg (hi Mike!)... The investment arm of Kuwait’s social-security system — Wafra Investment Advisory Group Inc. — bought 2 Cooper Square, our favorite 144-unit building that includes a rooftop pool, video-game center and private movie-screening room. Per Bloomberg, the sources didn’t disclose the price and asked not to be named because the deal hasn’t been made public.

And as the article notes: "At 2 Cooper Square, available one-bedroom apartments rent for as much as $6,686 a month, according to the property’s website. A two-bedroom unit is listed for $9,335 a month, while a four-bedroom apartment commands $22,000 a month."

Wow. Sounds to me like it's time for a Pool Party!

Previously on EV Grieve:
'Draconian regulations' for 2 Coop's pool and club

2 Cooper residents treated to views of Josh Duhamel's abs, ball sack

The founder of Pirate's Booty is taking over the Holiday Cocktail Lounge

When we reported that the Holiday Cocktail Lounge was closing, we did mention that the bar was on the February CB3/SLA docket for a new liquor license.

Documents on file with CB offer few details about the fate of the space on St. Mark's Place, but we now know who is hoping to take over the bar: Robert Ehrlich, the founder of Pirate Brands, which makes all-natural snacks including Pirate's Booty, Smart Puffs and Original Tings.

There's not a lot of information on the CB3 forms. The applicants are calling the space a tavern, with hours starting at 11 a.m. ...

There's also mention of a "local regional menu."

What about snacks?

In addition to his healthy-snack empire, Ehrlich operated several cafes in Sea Cliff. We sent an email to a Pirate Brands media representative last night in hopes of getting more information about Ehrlich's plans for the space. So let's wait and see what's in store here...

Also, someone did fax the form to CB3 from Pirate Brands ... in case you were questioning this...

Obscura Antiques & Oddities has closed; moving to new East Village home soon

Last night, a reader walked by Obscura Antiques and Oddities on 10th Street near Avenue A — and spotted workers clearing out the store.

But wait. It turns out that the reality television darlings (we mean that in a positive way!) are only moving to a larger store in the neighborhood, though they can't say where yet. The Obscura Antiques Facebook page has more details:

OK....a bit of bad news....but good news too...We are moving...sooner then we had thought. We must be out of our current space by the end of January...Thats 3 days from now....but the new space isnt ready we are closing until the new place is ready and we can move into it...Which will hopefully be near the end of February. If you are coming to NYC and plan to visit in the next month.....We are very sorry.....We will not be there....But when we do reopen...its in a space about twice the size of our former store...and the place used to be a Funeral its win/win for all. We will post all of our info soon...such as where the new shop will be. Its actually very close to our former shop....maybe 3 or 4 blocks away....

Hmm, we know of one former funeral home that's nearby... like this one right here.

A book about life at Luna Lounge

From the EV Grieve inbox...

Brooklyn, New York: February 1st, 2012 - Former Luna Lounge co-owner, Rob Sacher, has a brand new book, Wake Me When It's Over, a story of his life as a New York club owner filled with stories about meeting, partying, or working with many iconic bands of the alternative and indie rock world.

Among the people and bands about whom Rob has written are stories about Ray Davies of The Kinks, Debbie Harry of Blondie, Rick Danko of The Band, Joey Ramone, The Psychedelic Furs, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Bjork of The Sugarcubes, The Strokes, Interpol, Longwave, Marty Willson-Piper of The Church, Elliott Smith...

Rob is self publishing his book through his own DIY imprint and is raising promotion money through Kickstarter ... The funding campaign ends on February 29th. The official release date of the book is March 1st.

Rob has been in the business for more than thirty years and owned two clubs before Luna Lounge, the Mission and the Sanctuary. He grew up in Brooklyn in the 1960s, is a musician and songwriter too.

Here's the Kickstarter page, which includes a video of Rob talking about the project...

This is what an empty lot on East Ninth Street near Avenue C looked like on Jan. 28, 2012

This year, we'll post photos like this of various buildings, streetscenes, etc., to capture them as they looked at this time and place... The photos may not be the most telling now, but they likely will be one day...


EV Grieve reader Spike sent along this deal of a lifetime from over at Billy Hurricane's on Avenue B...

So basically: "For just $50 (a steal), you and up to 24 friends can have an hour-long party with five drinks per person, plus a large sampler of buffalo wings, Cajun tater tots, and sweet-potato fries."

Per the offer at Gilt City, this is 90 percent off the ticket price of $525.

Let's do some math — that's 125 drinks in 60 minutes for $50.

Hurry, though — the offer at Gilt City ends this morning at 10.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The joy of spring?

Tompkins Square Park today ... by peter radley.

On Second Avenue with the Mosaic Man this afternoon

EV Grieve reader Stephen Popkin passes along a few photos of Jim Power, aka the Mosaic Man, continuing his work this afternoon on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place...

Jim has been keeping busy of late, working on mosaics for Tompkins Square Bagels, the Bean and Porchetta.