Sunday, October 13, 2013

Updated: Someone already defaced Banksy's East Village street installation

[peter radley]

Banksy unveiled his latest NYC street installation yesterday on East Seventh Street and Cooper Square... And as this photo by @svvalera shows, someone has already defaced his "Concrete Confessional."

This marks the third of his pieces to be defaced during his month-long residency in NYC.

Updated 12:24

More about this via Angus Johnston at Student Activism:

Sometime last night or this morning, the priest in the painting was given a bushy white spray-paint beard which rendered him a dead ringer for Peter Cooper, the founder of the Cooper Union. At the same time, the cross that adorned his neck was replaced with a giant Flavor Flav style clock with a red face and hands set just prior to midnight, the symbol of the Free Cooper Union activist movement.

And there's apparently another confessional showing someone who looks like Cooper Union President Jamshed Baruscha... with a Free Cooper Union tag...

[Photo by @KOKO820]

[Photo by @bobcooley]

East 5th Street bliss

Between Avenue A and Avenue B this morning...

We keep posting photos of the sky

[Click on image to enlarge]

This is actually from yesterday morning ... via Bobby Williams.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

[Updated] Tree fire in Tompkins Square Park

Shortly after 6 ... There's a tree fire mid-block on the East Seventh Street side of Tompkins Square Park. The FDNY is there and on it, per Dave on 7th and Jose Garcia.


A photo and video via @NCintheNYC ...

...and video...

Updated 10-13
GammaBlog has more on the blaze... noting that the tree in question was the great old gnarled Black Locust ... check out more photos here.

And a photo of the gnarled tree yesterday via Bobby Williams...

Haven't heard about any official cause of the tree fire.

[Updated] The latest Banksy is on East 7th St.

If this is of interest... the latest Banksy street installation around the city is on East Seventh Street outside Cooper Union... just follow the crowd to see "Concrete Confessional."

[Photo by capnyc via Instagram]

Top image via Banksy.


More photos via EVG regular jdx ...

...and peter radley...

Check out some more photos over at EVG friend Roger_Paw right here.

[H/t @erikakaz]

Free today in Tompkins Square Park: 'Hangin With Satan'

Spotted this at the Park entrance. Don't know anything about it. Per the "Satan" Facebook page:

Hangin with Satan explores an alternative way of looking at the world and ourselves. Told through Satan himself this story challenges the current paradigm that god is the one and only ruler who passes the last judgement on all of us. What if we were taught that we all were gods. That we posses the powers and knowledge within ourselves to fully control our own destinies without going out of ourselves looking for power and guidance. In every human being, there lies a blueprint for their life as well as a record of their past and the past of the world.

The play is set in the Park as well. Starts at 5 p.m.


Spotted on the Vitamin Shoppe's front door on First Avenue and East 14th Street... can't recall seeing many "unapproved for menacing" signs before...

This morning

St. mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.

Meanwhile, in Tompkins Square Park this morning...

A boy walks his goat. (It was all for some video shoot.)

Friday, October 11, 2013

O Romeo, Romeo...

Romeo Void with "Never Say Never" from 1982.


A bikenapped Citi Bike on East 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B? Photo by EVG reader Philipp.

City approves Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone

[Click image to enlarge]

Back in April, CB3 member Chad Marlow, and the group that he founded in 2011, the Tompkins Square Park & Playground Parents’ Association (TSP3A), kicked off a neighborhood safety initiative.

The group applied to the Department of Transportation (DOT) to have them create what the group is calling the "Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone" (TSACSZ).

The TSACSZ, in short, is an effort to improve pedestrian safety for children and all others who live/work/play in the proposed 0.38 square-mile zone by reducing motor vehicle speeds. Per Marlow, the slow zone program takes a well-defined, relatively compact area, and reduces its speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour, with further reductions to 15 miles per hour near schools.

Now that I've buried the lead Marlow just learned today that the DOT has approved the Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone. Per a DOT letter to Marlow, the implementation will take place some time in 2014.

In an op-ed in The Villager last spring, Marlow also revealed a personal reason behind this proposal. In 1995, a drunken driver struck Marlow's father, an accident that left him with quadriplegia and a severe brain injury. His father died 13 years after the accident. (Read the entire op-ed here.)

We asked Marlow via email for his reaction to the DOT's decision:

"I am beyond grateful to the Department of Transportation for approving the Tompkins Square/Alphabet City Slow Zone. I am equally filled with gratitude for all of the community groups, elected officials and members of Community Board 3, whose support for the proposal was instrumental in making it a reality. Most of all, I find myself thinking of my father, Richard Marlow, and how something positive has finally come out of the years of terrible pain and suffering he endured after being hit by a speeding, drunk driver in 1995. I dedicate this effort to his memory."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Call for an East Village 'slow zone' (34 comments)