Monday, November 16, 2009

Dos Toros Taqueria is now open on Fourth Avenue

From the EV Grieve inbox:

Hello Burrito/Taco Enthusiast,
Dos Toros Taqueria has opened its doors!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Burritos coming for West Coast snobs (and others!) who say East Coast Mexican food really sucks compared to the West Coast

Sunday, November 15, 2009

End of the day

On the Bowery tonight.

Space for Target now stumping for Vans

At Avenue A and St. Mark's Place.



Previously on EV Grieve:
Goodbye yellow brick ad

Part of Levi Johnston's "Playgirl" photo shoot probably took place at the Cooper Square Hotel

The tweet showed up few hours ago...

In case you've been following this story.... Anyway, maybe this isn't even the real Twitter account for the 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin's grandson.

Police presence on the Bowery

BoweryBoogie had a report yesterday about a man who was shot on the Bowery near Bleecker early Saturday morning.

The Post had a little more on the incident in today's paper:

A gunman opened fire early yesterday on the Lower East Side, wounding two men.

The victims, both in their 30s, were shot on the Bowery near Bond Street at about 4:40 a.m., police said. One was hit in the leg, the other in the arm.

Both were treated at Bellevue Hospital -- but refused to cooperate with investigators looking into what sparked the shooting.

On Saturday morning, there was a strong police presence... set up pylons for the street construction on First Street and the Bowery that blocked traffic for much of the day....

Sorry that I missed the most-important news story of the weekend -- or maybe ever

According to the Post: Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth claimed yesterday to have gotten its hands on a leaked script for "Sex and the City 2." Here's what they say happens:

* The situation looks bleak for Bradshaw, whose marriage with Mr. Big unravels after they lose everything in a financial scam.

* Seeking work, Mr. Big ends up in London, where he's living in a rundown apartment, but cheats on Carrie — who dumps him before finding out she's pregnant.

* Miranda quits her law practice after getting sued. She and her husband Steve decide to open a restaurant.

* Besides the characters' heavy financial losses, tough times in the real world will also be reflected in the film's wardrobe choices, which an unnamed production insider says will be "less over-the-top but still stylish."


A good day for a sidewalk sale

On 11th Street and Avenue A. Just a little bit ago.

Twas six weeks before...

Not really ready for the holidays...which may be why I didn't even notice that holiday lights went up last week on East Fourth Street and East Third Street...(and probably elsewhere too...)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why is the Pizza Shop closed?

Tonight on Avenue A near Seventh Street...

...and how long has the Cabin Down Below been made public for mere mortals?

The Bowery, 9:55 a.m., Nov. 14


From Page Six today:

New York's homeless could be kept warm this winter in expensive furs owned by Ruth Madoff -- if PETA has its way. The anti-fur campaigners have written to US Marshal Roland Ubaldo asking for the Madoff skins to be donated to the homeless. More than 100 Madoff items will be sold off today at the Sheraton New York to reimburse the Ponzi scammer's thousands of vic tims. PETA's Dan Mathews said in a letter to Ubaldo, "By donating them to the homeless, you'd be able to highlight the difference between need and greed."

Report: "the tide seems to be turning for young galleries of the East Village and Lower East Side"

Bloomberg News had this report the other day:

Wandering around Manhattan’s scruffy Lower East Side galleries, I kept hearing three words rarely uttered in the more polished Chelsea district these days: Everything is sold.

The global financial crisis punctured the art bubble last year, drying up cash and driving up caution. Now the tide seems to be turning for young galleries of the East Village and Lower East Side.

“It’s like the Dow,” said art dealer Simon Preston, who runs a gallery on Broome Street. “When it goes down, people are looking for new markets.”