Saturday, December 19, 2009

Here comes Santa Claus...right down St. Mark's Place...

Has anyone else spotted the SantaCar? Here it is on St. Mark's near Second Avenue. Missed the shot of the young men giving Santa the middle finger. Damn.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday memories at CBGB

For more on Letch Patrol and Harris Pankin, go here.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

ABC No Rio's mystery $1 million donation (The Villager)

Out and about on a Thursday night (Neither More Nor Less)

A plan for Freddy's Bar in Brooklyn (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Boom Boom Room crowd invading the EV (Guest of a Guest)

Why New Yorkers are the unhappiest people in America (Runnin' Scared)

1970s NYC lives here (Flaming Pablum)

One reason to choose plastic over paper (BoweryBoogie)

Highlights from this week's CB3/SLA meeting (Eater)

Commercial break

The ever-expanding Max's Kansas City tribute (This Ain't the Summer of Love)

Photo highlights from Eden & John's CD release show (Slum Goddess)

Late-night shopping on the LES (Lower East Side NY)

Late-night in East River Park (Little Stories and Maybe Poems from Now and Then)

Laundry day in StuyTown (Lux Living)

Two music-related movies that we might just see next year (Stupefaction)

Beekman Tower gets a star

Well, not really. But so shiny nonetheless. Looking at the 7,000 story Beekman Tower going up down in the Financial District.

219 First Avenue shows progress, extra floor and all

The building at the corner of 13th Street and First Avenue (219 First Avenue to be exact), has been a boarded-up mess/construction site the last four or so years... Here's a shot of the corner from 2007....

(Via Flickr)

However, there has been some slow progress to report of late. According to the work permits, an additional two floors are being added on top of the existing four-story structure.

For starters, we're intrigued by the new roof...

Oh, anyway, if you look carefully at the building, there seems to be something off about that seventh floor (technically the attic?)

Which may be one reason people have called in nearly 60 complaints about this site since 2005. (Several callers reported seeing squatters coming and going from inside the abandoned site.) The last complaint was logged in late summer:


So now what, lop off that slanted roof?

UPDATED: Per a commenter, there was approval for the addition.

Meanwhile, you may recall what used to be in this space -- the Mee Noodle Shop. As NY Songlines noted, it "was Allen Ginsberg's favorite Chinese -- and mine, too, I guess. It closed in 2005 after the building started to collapse."

As the Times noted in its obituary on Ginsberg from April 1997:

Ah Lan Chong, a waitress at Mee's Noodle Shop and Grill on First Avenue, which was Mr. Ginsberg's favorite Chinese restaurant, remembered Mr. Ginsberg in simpler, less heavily freighted terms.

Sure, she knew he was someone important, someone artistic. She could tell that from overheard conversations and from the way other diners would sometimes point at him when he entered. But to Ms. Chong, he was mainly the unfussy man with a dependable hankering for steamed flounder in ginger sauce. "When he came in," she said, "we knew what he wanted."

About that abandoned jar on East Third Street

On East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

Uh, what is the hell is this?

Is this how Momofuku delivers its calamari salad these days?

Looking at 12 St. Mark's Place

At first glance on the street level, 12 St. Mark's Place is fairly unremarkable. As Grub Street reported last week, Gama, the Korean bar and restaurant at 12 St. Mark's Place, closed after a three-year run...

It just seems as if this location has been many things in recent years...Prior to this, it was San Marcos, the Mexican eatery that served huge margaritas, Siren, a really lame club once visited by Sarah, the Duchess of York in some kind of Page Six baiting, and @Cafe, an Internet bar. (And before it became a restaurant that closed every few years, wasn't this the home of St. Mark's Books?)

However, take a look at this rest of the building...above the Yoga to the People sign...

The building was originally home to the The German-American Shooting Society. Per Revel in New York:

The German-American Shooting Society Clubhouse (Deutsch-Amerikanische Schuetzen Gesselschaft), at 12 St. Mark's Place, dates back to 1889-89. Prior to the 20th century, St. Mark's Place was the heart of Kleindeutschland, or Little Germany.

This yellow brick clubhouse, designed by William C. Frohne, served as headquarters for 24 companies who offered offsite facilities for target practice to the immigrant community.

A rare example of the German Renaissance style in New York, it features fanciful ornament, a steep mansard roof and tall ornate dormers. Particularly noteworthy is the arched panel at the center of the fourth story, depicting a target and crossed rifles above an eagle with outstretched wings.

The German-American Shooting Society Clubhouse was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 2001.

For a lot more information on this and other historic parts of the East Village:
The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation

The Lower East Side History Project

Bottom two photos via.

Help the Lower Eastside Girls Club make dough from dough

Something good from our inbox:

This holiday season the Lower Eastside Girls Club of NY) is offering shoppers with a sweet tooth a way to support teen training programs in culinary arts.

Join the Lower Eastside Girls Club on Saturday, December 19th from 1-3pm at the new Celebrate Café at the Bowery Poetry Club (308 Bowery at 1st Street, Manhattan) for the first annual Holiday Cookie Swap and Benefit Bake-Off. Celebrate Café is a new social venture project of the Girls Club that trains and employs at-risk teens in culinary arts and the basics of running a café business. Celebrate is located in the front of the Bowery Poetry Club.

For all the details.

Avenue B's Panache goes quickly

After just four months, it appears Panache Cafe has called it on day on Avenue B between 11th Street and 12th Street...

Did anyone ever go in here? I never saw a soul inside, except for rather glum looking workers...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Panache Cafe now open minus the Megan Fox

Avenue B to get a little Panache

What Santa needs

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fire trucks on Avenue B

The fire department responded to a call in the 200 block of Avenue B between 12th Street and 13th Street just after 5... Several firefighters entered a building...and left almost as quickly as they arrived...

MTA doomsday service cuts include the M8

"Nearly every bus, subway and commuter rail rider in New York stands to be affected by a punishing slate of service cuts that was approved on Wednesday by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which is struggling to fill a sudden financial shortfall of more than $400 million." The M8, which connects the East Village to the West Village, is one again on the chopping block. According to the Times, none of the cuts would take effect until June at the earliest.

Sorry about that annoying Twitter API thing that keeps popping up

Um, yeah, I don't know what the fuck it is either. But it's really annoying. Please hit cancel when it appears. Apologies.

Updated: think I fixed it....

Yuppies keep getting younger and younger on Extra Place

Thanks to the EV Grieve reader for sending along the photo....