Saturday, September 3, 2011

The power of the dark side: Did you take a Darth Vader bag last night from Manitoba's?

Via Craigslist:

Darth Vader bag taken from Manitoba's bar - w4m (Lower East Side)

Date: 2011-09-03, 6:32AM EDT

I'm a bartender at Manitoba's. A friends bag was taken while she was sitting at the bar on Friday night on September 2nd. Whether it was taken by accident or not is not really important. There was no money or profitable property so there is nothing to gain. However there was an important notebook, keys and an important form. I'm offering a reward of $50 no questions asked if you drop the bag by the bar for Xandra. Thank you

Uncool. And, alert all commands. Calculate every possible destination along their last known trajectory.

I recommend returning the bag.


Yesterday in transporting vintage vehicles on Seventh Street

Yesterday afternoon, workers were transporting some vintage vehicles here on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue... it was quite a production, with part of the street blocked off ... Unfortunately, we don't have any information about this... Bobby Williams asked the workers about the vehicles, but they wouldn't discuss the matter...

Friday, September 2, 2011

The greatest plea-warning that you will read this or any other weekend, probably

In case that you haven't seen these along Avenue A this evening... we watched them go up around 5 ...

Cavern of forgotten dreams

The minimalistic funk of New York's Liquid Liquid with "Cavern" from 1983.

And later.

Workers take out the downed willow tree in La Plaza Cultural

Ugh. Workers are removing the Irene-damaged willow tree from La Cultural Plaza on Avenue C at Ninth Street this afternoon...

Photos by EV Grieve reader Jill Woodward.

Read more about the history of the tree here.

Why people are talking about Trash and Vaudeville these days in Italy, Denver

Thanks to Neighborhoodr, we learned that Italian Maxim features the venerable Trash and Vaudeville in its current issue...

Also, the Denver Post featured the store recently as well... find that clip here.

Agata Olek's yarn cart on Second Avenue gets new addition; plus, more photos!

Agata Olek's yarn-covered grocery cart on Second Avenue at Fourth Street has received an addition.... A BEAU face ...

Meanwhile, when the cart was parked on Avenue A and Seventh Street, people eventually filled it up with trash...

Same thing happened on Second Avenue...

Meanwhile! Bonus photo! Here's Vashtie taking the cart for a spin...

[First three pics by Bobby Williams]

What was this the summer of?

Well, we're not really into labeling things (too much!) ... as you may recall, somebody dubbed last summer The Summer of Bedbugs hereabouts.

So, what will this summer be remembered for?

The Summer of the Doorshitter?

The Summer of the Discarded Mattress Epidemic?

The Summer of the Walk Man?

Or, of course, The Summer of Giant Chipmunks?

The Summer of Irene?

Oh, or Rats. The Summer of Rats.

We likely know where this one is headed. Vote early and often!

[Photo last summer by EV Grieve reader Dan N.]

Strummer of Love

Hot Strummer Nights
Strummer in the City
Strummer Loving
The Strummer of 2011



[Bobby Williams]

Just a hole in Tompkins Square Park. Probably nothing.

A Coney Island Blondie, and other photos in Bob Gruen's new book

[© Bob Gruen, 1977]

Rock 'n' roll photographer Bob Gruen has a new career-covering book out of his work, such as that photo of Debbie Harry at Coney Island in 1977. Abrams released the book yesterday. We're going to go find it at the St. Mark's Bookshop. Karate Boogaloo has more on it at stupefaction. Check out Gruen's website here.

The Chillmaster immortalized on Google Street View

Via Shawn Chittle. For more on the Chillmaster, please visit Marty After Dark.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where the wild things are — Astor Place

Earlier today. Photo by EV Grieve reader Grant.

Kim Kardashian was in the East Village on Tuesday, ever so discreetly

[Zinno Park]

These photos were taken by Zinno Park at I Love East Village. For unknown reasons, Kim Kardashian and her sister Klyde Kourtney were shopping at Healthfully Organic Market on East Fourth Street east of Second Avenue on Tuesday. It's possible that we have nothing else to say on the matter.

[Zinno Park]