Friday, September 2, 2011


[Bobby Williams]

Just a hole in Tompkins Square Park. Probably nothing.


Mr. Mister said...

Smoke 'em out!

Bob Arihood said...

Grieve I've been watching this cavernous aperture for days .It was a mere rathole a few days ago. I would have posted on it earlier but my computer system is down and out.

Something new is afoot here and likely up to nothing good .Forget those 3 foot long Gambian pouched rats , this beats them by a mile for size . Whatever grubbed out this opening to the netherworld was big . At least 40 pounds .

Anyone seen signs of a chupacabra in the 'hood?

EV Grieve said...

Hmm. This would explain all the dead goats.

Lindsay said...

Awww, It's kinda shaped like a heart! hahah! It's probably just a Rodent of Unusual Size and that hole leads to the pit of despair.

Laura Goggin Photography said...

Looks like they're finally getting cable.

Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

Maybe it's the wormhole I just read about?!

EV Grieve said...

I just unlocked the "chupacabra hole in Tompkins Square Park" badge on @foursquare!

Marty Wombacher said...

Did this appear during the screening of "Rosemary's Baby?"

Melanie said...

@EVG 2:22PM--lol