Monday, May 9, 2011

NYPD adds a portable tower on 13th Street

EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams notes the arrival of a portable NYPD watch tower on 13th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C in the Campos Plaza... Not sure just yet why this has been added...

More demolition-related scaffolding for 35 Cooper Square

EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams pointed out some new scaffolding at the soon-to-be-be-demolished 35 Cooper Square...

Still no word yet on when demolition will take place. Shall we start a pool? In any event, at the very least, I hope the developer doesn't chop down the tree here too. Or maybe he doesn't think that's worth saving either.

East Village Farm & Grocery reopens today

As we noted Friday, East Village Farm reopens today after that awful fire back in January. The Farm management seems pretty excited about reopening. In fact, they invited EV Grieve reader Pedro inside to take photos...

Pedro declined, though he did snap a few from the sidewalk...

Meanwhile, they were open yesterday just to sell flowers in honor of Talking Heads drummer Chris Frantz's birthday. And Mother's Day.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 7, 8; ICTTS convenes emergency session — MacDougal cites 'historic' weekend

An incredible 24 hours or so hereabouts... Last night, EV Grieve reader Riian sends the following from Second Avenue and East Third Street — featuring a noteworthy assist by a hand.

Meanwhile, apparently Christmastown was closing up on Broadway and Fourth Street today. First, this shot from EV Grieve reader BH, who took time for a victory lap of sorts. "Today, baby! That's right! BOOYA!! ICTTS don't like it they can kiss my ass!!"

Why I never!

Regardless, this pile was verified. @sandwichboarder sent this photo from the same location...

Upon learning of this load of Christmas trees, Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring (ICTTS), immediately left Aman-i-Khás, a lodge located outside Ranthambhore in the Indian state of Rajasthan where he was on holiday with his mother. He is expected to make a statement upon landing at JFK tomorrow night.

Help support Max Fish

As you may have heard by now, the NYPD shuttered Max Fish on Friday night, the latest in its LES nightlife clampdown. (The Lo-Down had the story first.)

The folks at Max Fish sent us an email:

Max Fish was shut down by the police Friday night. We're figuring out a plan of action, but for the time being, we've created an online petition here.

Per the petition:

Max Fish opened on Ludlow Street in 1989. We have nurtured and supported the Lower East Side arts community for over 20 years — a community that is increasingly threatened by a variety of outside sources including landlords, real-estate developers and the NYPD. Your signature shows support for the continued existence of a vibrant and positive establishment — one that embodies the creative spirit of the LES and elevates the quality of life for the community.


Read the Grumbler's post on why people deface posters and what not with dicks.

For the birds on Avenue A

[Photos by Bobby Williams]

A few scenes from today

Photos by Bobby Williams

Mayor Bikenstein!

From the bike haters in today's Post:

He’s grappled with teacher unions, gun sellers and public pensions, but as his third term heats up, it’s becoming clear what Mayor Bloomberg’s most visible legacy will be — remaking, or rather undoing, the city’s streets.

He’s squeezed out cars in favor of floral planters, OK’d “pop-up” cafes and bike lanes, but the pedaler-in-chief saved the crown jewel of changes for last — a public-rental program deploying 10,000 bicycles to 600 sidewalk kiosks. The initiative, which will be the third-largest in the world, behind Paris and Hangzhou, China, will be tested this summer, and rolled out in 2012. Critics say it’s community sentiment be damned.

Do people have any say in this? They have to walk somewhere,” said Andrew Albert, transportation co-chair of the Upper West Side’s Community Board 7, about the large bike racks the city plans to install pretty much everywhere.

A new Cemusa shelter for Second Avenue

EV Grieve reader Mike notes a new Cemusa shelter on Second Avenue at 14th Street...

Mother's Day greetings

On Avenue D...

Bike stolen from 'broke student'

Spotted on Avenue C and East Second Street...


Bustin' stereotypes outside Whole Foods Bowery....

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Swordplay in Tompkins Square Park today...

Photos by Bobby Williams...

Aerial views of the Essex-Houston Street fire

EV Grieve reader Chris sends along more photos from the street/sewer/manhole/whatever fire currently burning on Essex at Houston...

Even the workers are impressed with the fire... this fellow is either taking photos or texting — or both!

Per Chris: "Fire department seems to be mostly just watching" for the time being...

Update: As of 2:11 or so, Chris notes that the fire is out.

[Updated] A big boom and fire on Houston and Essex

Just around 1:30 at Houston and Essex... Photos via Anonymous Octopus ...

Per the Anonymous Octopus: "Smells electrical. Some nice pretty mushrooms puffing out."

Three more shots from EV Grieve contributor samo...

Per samo: "Some are saying electrical fire where there was road construction."

Bespoke Chocolates bids farewell from Extra Place

Bespoke was the first retailer to open in Extra Place ... a topic that we covered quite a bit, starting here. Here's the note that's Bespoke is sending out to friends...

They opened early in 2009 ... and they will close on Thursday. We'll have more on this topic on Monday...

Missing the OTBs

The Kentucky Derby is today... though betting on it is more challenging now with the closure of the OTBs (like the one above on Third Avenue in the 40s) back in December.

From an article in The Wall Street Journal yesterday:

In a city where it's possible to do just about anything imaginable, it's suddenly become enormously difficult to legally put money on the most prestigious horse race on the planet.

So it's off to Belmont then... instead of a trip to Delancey...

Birdbath Bakery now open on Third Avenue

As Eater noted, the fifth location of Birdbath Bakery, a spinoff of City Bakery, opened yesterday on Third Avenue at NYU. Among other things, they'll serve Kombucha on tap. And we hope that no one decides to detoxify the body right there on the corner... Jeremiah noted the Birdbathers impending arrival back in October.

Distributing Cornell's plants continues today

As you can see from the sign, more of the plants that belonged to Cornell Edwards, who opened The Flower Stall at 143 E. 13th St. in 1967, will continue to be distributed today...