Monday, July 11, 2011

How Hollywood recreates a 'Lower East Side club scene'

You can always count on Craigslist for some comic relief...

Here's the listing:

We're seeking extras (21-35 or look youngish) to help emulate the feel of a cool, hip, sexy, dark Lower East Side club scene [Think 'Last Nights Party-meets-Cobra Snake' photos.] We want people to have fun [but not look like they are having too much fun] and be able to act cool and sexy. We also are looking for people who are comfortable expressing themselves when dancing with a partner. If you have any skillz in movement, we want you to express them, even if it's sort of weird! This will be an artistic version of a night club scene. Feel free to bring a prop, bring all your best, cool, mostly black but even slightly outrageous colorful gear if it works.

1 day of shooting for a couple of hours next Wednesday, July 13 (call times will be given to those locked in, but around 10-11A or after.) Non-union. Will provide food and drinks and lots of fun!

Film crew is super cool, professional and efficient and you will be shot by one of the best DPs in the business. Please submit head shots and/or any photo where we can get an idea of how you look.

Sidewalk Cafe is hiring

On Friday, we brought you the news that Sidewalk Cafe was looking to reopen by Aug. 5. During the weekend, the following signs appeared on the Sidewalk's doors...

A note about feeding the rats on East 10th Street

EV Grieve reader Ann noticed this sign in the dirt on East 10th Street just east of Third Avenue.... As she notes," I don't know if the corn was being fed to the rats ... it also looks like it's holding the sign down. Confusing!" True!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Earlier today in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Today in the New York City Marble Cemetery

The cemetery will be open again to the public on Aug. 13.

Photos by Bobby Williams.

This afternoon at the Blind Barber

East 10th Street near Avenue B. Photos by John Marshall Mantel.

Today in sidewalk sales on St. Mark's Place

Tompkins Square Park, 9:47 a.m., July 10

The New York City Marble Cemetery is open to visitors today

As the flyer shows...

And... upcoming dates...

Summer Neighborhood Open Days
Saturday, August 13
Sunday, September 11th

11:00 am to 5:00 pm


Fall Open Weekend
Saturday and Sunday
October 15th and 16th, 2011

10:00 am to 5:00 pm

For more information please visit the cemetery website.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Monica Shay memorial travels from Avenue A to the Christodora House

All photos by Bobby Williams... Bo Bob Arihood has more photos and a narrative here.

Remembering Monica Shay on Avenue A

Photos by Steven Hirsch.

Monica Shay media coverage on Avenue A

EV Grieve correspondent samo notes the news trucks on the scene on Avenue A to capture the memorial for Monica Shay. Per samo: "nice to see how we as a community are banning together. just wish it didn't need to happen out of sadness."

Today in Tompkins Square Park: David Peel, High Teen Boogie

Thanks to John Marshall Mantel for the photos.

More from High Teen Boogie today in Tompkins Square Park

Everyone seems to like High Teen Boogie. Photos by Bobby Williams.

More photo from today's concert in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Bobby Williams. Thanks to The Shadow for the show!

Reminders tonight: Memorial in Tompkins Square Park for Monica Shay

Monica Shay died on Thursday after being shot last weekend at the Pennsylvania country home she shared with her husband Paul. She was 58. Tonight at 8, her friends and loved ones will gather in Tompkins Square Park for a memorial vigil.

As The Villager noted, she and her husband Paul, who is expected to recover, were prominent neighborhood activists. "They helped the East Village squatters who took over city-owned buildings in the 1980s. They also supported the encampment that homeless people set up in Tompkins Square Park."

The memorial will be held at Seventh Street and Avenue A at the entrance to the Park.

[Photo of Monica Shay from 1990 by Clayton Patterson via The Villager]

Love blossoms at the Tompkins Square Park dog run?

EV Grieve reader Caiti notes that her mutt puppy Jagger and Butter the English mastiff were making friendly over the fence between the little dog run and the big dog run today... Nice that we can all get along...

Reminders today: Free concert in Tompkins Square Park

And the lineup...

2:10 - 2:30: Lance Blisters
2:35 - 3:05: Jennifer Blowdryer and band
3:10 - 3:40: David Peel
3:45 - 4:15: FLY with Zero Content
4:20 - 4:45: The Drunkard's Wife
4:50 - 5:15: Chink Floyd
5:20 - 6:00: High Teen Boogie

East Village crusties go national thanks to The Huffington Post

Thanks to the readers who sent along the link to a Huffington Post, um, post on Steven Hirsch's Crustypunks site.

Although the site is in the HuffPo's New York section, the piece is featured on the main page...

Aren't you proud?

A new era for composting?

On East 12th Street. Taking chairs now? If so, then I have some mattresses in front of my building that I can drag over...