Yesterday morning, we noted the mound of trash that erupted on St. Mark's Place near Third Avenue.
We were so busy focusing on the two basketballs and partially thawed frozen waffles in the trash ... we somehow missed the holiday tree tossed in with everything else...

Since then, several readers have noted the tree...

By late this afternoon, the tree was alleged to be drunk...

[Photo by Derek Berg]
Is that Amy Schumer?!
Arrow hero found the tree!
I always wonder what's the story behind the obviously just vacated apt.
while you pass a pile like this, you have to stop and look. You can see a clear picture- some long term resident, with cool stuff.... maybe someone started a blog for these piles, or I should.
Looks like someone moved all the leftover trash from the night before on Second Avenue, over to St. Marks. I think I recognize that soda can.
I'm impressed that it's still green.
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