Sweet Generation, the bakery at 130 First Ave. between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place, turns two next week.
Ahead of that, here's a look at the recently completed mural on the shop's front gate...

Here's more about the project, which started in late November, in collaboration with FABNYC:
Facilitated by artist Lexy Ho-Tai, the mural will be designed and painted by seven of Sweet Generation’s Youth Program RISE participants. In line with FABNYC’s 2016-17 programmatic focus on sustainability, this FABLES collaboration celebrates the interconnected thriving of commerce, culture, and politics, as embodied by the hopes and dreams harnessed by the RISE youth for the future of their neighborhoods.
Since its inception, Sweet Generation’s RISE program for at-risk youth has been a steadfast and integral part of their mission-driven business. Amy Chasan, founder of Sweet Generation, brought her youth development work background to the bakery and concurrently launched the RISE internship program, as a commitment to personal and professional growth for young people. The mural process provides another creative and meaningful opportunity for interns to learn real-world, tangible skills while developing their interpersonal skills and building a network.

Thanks to EVG correspondent Steven for the photos!
This place is awesome.
Two years old, and still nothing vegan! (They claim they're "working on it.")
@scuba diva I'm so glad you come by often - we do in fact have a couple of vegan bars (a chocolate peanut butter bar and a cookies and cream bar) in stock daily. And we can make many of our cupcakes vegan for custom orders! Hope you swing by again soon:)
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