Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hoarding in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Donald Davis 

This spread arrived overnight In Tompkins Square Park... inside the mid-block entrance on Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...
... and we understand that the Parks employee doing cleanup knows who may have left this...


Anonymous said...

Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the street

Anonymous said...

That was all neatly placed in trash bags on the curb on the north side of 7th yesterday afternoon. I thought it might have been leftover from the film crew. About 30 minutes later when I walked back by, someone had opened the bags and tossed all of it over the fence and into the park.

Anonymous said...

There’s been “hoarding” aka people sleeping/using the outdoors as a toilet in the park after hours all summer. You can see Stuffed pillowcases in shrubbery at the Ave B and 9th St entrance.

Anonymous said...

A for effort

Anonymous said...

You wouldn’t see this in Bryant Park. My wife swears that the only parks that are worth going to in New York anymore are the ones that cater to tourists, not locals. They think she’s right.

Anonymous said...

If the people in charge don't let it happen in this park and this neighborhood, then it will migrate to other parks and neighborhoods.
It's relatively containable in this neighborhood. And that's the authoritative stance here due to the fact that it is all very much tolerated by this neighborhood community. It always has been.

Anonymous said...

Someone open up all trash bags tonight just before 11th st bar and spread the garbage all over the sidewalk for like half a block.

Anonymous said...

Terrible. And the person who did this needs mental help (even though they will likely refuse if it's just "suggested." )

Anonymous said...

This only happens because they know they can get away with it.
What ever happened to accountability for one's action's?
Why do we as a community, put up with these insults?
How is it that transients, the mentally ill, sociopathic and criminally deviant individuals all find refuge in the EV?
You would see hell freeze over first before any of this was to happen in the more monied areas of the city.

noble neolani said...

Spreading wealth around. Those with too much stuff keep the landfills growing. Those with nothing see an opportunity to find something of use. This is about the haves and have nots, with a side of drug addiction and mental illness.

Anonymous said...

We should sell this stuff and forward the money to the many migrants that are painfully in need.

XTC said...

The Thirdworldization is city wide. From Chinatown to Herald Sq to Times Sq to, yes, 5th Ave directly across from Trump Tower the raggedy assed have nots are passed out/ spaced out, begging, or selling counterfeit shits from China.

cmarrtyy said...

The filth. The noise. The mentally ill. The violence... It's all part of 2nd rate politicians who don't do a thing... not a thing for the community. The powers that be decided long ago that we are a dumping ground and a dump and nothing has changed over the last 50 years that I've lived here. We need a councilperson who works for us... who stands up for us... who would tell city agencies and the powers that be ... enough is enough. We're not going to take it...anymore.

Anonymous said...

That's very hurtful to those of us in the scum community.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait until the new trash containers on wheels laws fully come into affect. They will stealing them and wheeling them with ease and dumping the contents wherever they please with a convenient place to store whatever they want to keep

noble neolani said...

And the city will fine the home owners

Liam R said...

I feel like comments are missing the point that the person that did this is likely schizophrenic.

Perfume junkie said...

I don't know about the rest of the community, but I'm exhausted from the city dumping on the EV. TSP is one of the most beautiful parks in the city and nothing is being done to keep it safe and clean. I've lived here for over 20 years and part of me wants to leave but it's my home. I feel so depressed and powerless living here. Not sure what I can do to help create change. Maybe I should run for office! I'm just so sick and tired of bad apples ruining the big apple. Remove the sheds, clean up the streets, provide more shelters for the homeless. Why is this so hard?

XTC said...

Actually, those were the final Shakespearean last words of Valerie Solanas.

Anonymous said...

That’s because of Bryant Park Corporation. The bathrooms are magical. Super fancy.

Anonymous said...

That’s because of Bryant Park Corporation running the park and all their $$$ and attractions/restaurant.
The public bathrooms are super fancy :))

Anonymous said...

1980 Filth = I was there. 2024 Filth: Get off my lawn.

Anonymous said...

Exactly - so don't vote for politicians that don't believe in holding people accountable. Let our politicians know that our community comes first along with our safety and health. No more revolving door policies please.

Anonymous said...
