Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday's parting shot

Downed tree this afternoon on First Avenue between Second Street and Third Street — photo via EVG reader Danimal... was it a victim of today's high winds ... or a car/truck...?


hywel dda said...

Or a drunken "reveler"? Pole dancing to impress their fellow drunks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that was natural causes, unless tree was sick from inside. Top was leafy and healthy but looks like there might have been no root system. At any event, the wind was not strong enough to do that. Nothing else was out in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if fell victim to the same deranged person I saw pulling out flowers and bushes by the root on Ave A north of Tompkins.

Anonymous said...

Bummer. The neighborhood has too few trees as it is and seems the survivors are getting knocked off, one by one.