Monday, August 19, 2024

On the CB3 docket tonight: a new era for Lucy's, another operator for Lamia's Fish Market

Top photo by Lola Sáenz 

As we reported on Aug. 1, Lucy's new owners will appear before Community Board 3's SLA committee this month. 

The owners of Golden Age Hospitality, whose portfolio includes establishments like Le Dive and Deux Chats, seek to take over Lucy's, the decades-old Avenue A favorite owned by Ludwika "Lucy" Mickevicius that has been closed since late November. Find more background at this link. (FYI: The plans call for Lucy to continue to have a presence at the bar.)

As a reminder, the meeting is tonight at 6:30. Find the Zoom link here. This is a hybrid meeting, and there is limited seating available for the public — the first 15 people who show up at the Community Board 3 Office, 59 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.  

Another East Village item of interest concerns 47 Avenue B, where, apparently, Lamia's Fish Market will not reopen. The restaurant has been closed since June for "maintenance."

An entity known as Fisherman Hospitality Group Inc. seeks to take over the space between Third Street and Fourth Street that workers recently painted. (Photo below by Stacie Joy.)
The questionnaire (PDF here) for the new seafood restaurant is on the CB3 website. 


Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to attend tonight, but I hope CB3 grilled these new restaurants. Especially the new fish place on ave b. That stretch (ave B between 2-4th street) has become a bridge & tunnel club zone, with every single establishment blasting club music. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

History has shown that most places with a name ending in "Hospitality Group Inc" are about sucking cash from tourists, not serving the neighborhood residents...simply because serving us isn't the most profitable business model.

Anonymous said...

I've lived right around the corner for many years and I agreee, it's bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Why would we trust the "Le Dive" people with anything? These selfish people are helping ruin a great neighborhood and have selfishly taken over the Canal Street for their tourist and "I'm better than you" crowd.

Anonymous said...

100% Well this resident is over it. And if they blast their music like the others I will be hounding them until they stop. I'm sick of letting the restaurant industry bully our communities.