Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lamia’s Fish Market is 'temporarily closed for maintenance'

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

Lamia's Fish Market is closed for now at 47 Avenue B between Third Street and Fourth Street.

Door signage notes a temporary closure "for maintenance." 
The restaurant's website and social media properties do not mention the closure, and as of last night, Lamia's was still accepting reservations.

However, multiple sources tell us that the Fish Market will not reopen and that staff has already left for new jobs.

Owner Lamia Funti was previously involved with Le Souk, a longtime trouble spot on this block that eventually had its liquor license canceled by the State Liquor Authority in 2009.

Lamia's made a splash upon opening in the summer of 2019, garnering media attention for its two-level, six-room "aquatic splendor."


Anonymous said...

Here I am scrolling through EV Grieve thinking this stretch of Ave B has the worst luck but Lamias is still open. Nope not any more. This stretch of B really sucks. I am not holding out any hope for the ceviche place.

Anonymous said...

Actually at its beginning, before becoming THE trouble spot, Le Souk was awesome.

Anonymous said...

I almost took a position here as a bartender last year, but declined after there were a couple of red flags during my interview. Glad I didn't say yes.

Anonymous said...

The owners are not the best so what do I care? They opened another place next door touting an all you can drink brunch, which is somehow being allowed? With THESE le souk people? How? It's not even legal. We finally got Poco to act normal for the most part, now this. They won the building, no sympathy.

Anonymous said...

Went there once 2-3 years ago. The restaurant seemed more interested in accommodating instagrammers than serving food.

Anonymous said...

I had a signed contract from early May and paid in full for a birthday party for yesterday June 29. I was texting the owner as recent as 2 nights before on guest count. She never notified me that the restaurant was closed. Absolute garbage

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lamia’s is closed now