Monday, June 24, 2024

The NW corner of 1st Avenue and 2nd Street awaits its new development

Late last week, workers removed the sidewalk bridge from around the NW corner of First Avenue and Second Street, ending the demoliton phase of this new development...
And a view of the pit... (photo by Steven)...
As previously reported, a 7-floor residential building with ground-floor retail is awaiting city approval for the new address, 88 E. Second St. 

According to DOB paperwork, the proposed building will be 19,278 square feet, with 2,994 square feet designated for commercial space. Plans call for 22 residential units, likely rentals, given the square footage. 

Read our previous posts for more about the project and prior businesses at 33-37 First Ave. 

Previously on EV Grieve:


Anonymous said...

I really miss the Double Dragon. The real estate developers always want to buy up the old buildings and tear them down to put up something new which always seems to leave the neighborhood less than what it was.

Anonymous said...

Me too I loved the food and they were always nice.

Anonymous said...

Lived on corner of Houston and Allen for many years. Double Dragon was the best. Also, these new mega buildings have rang a long death knell for the LES. Shame.

Steph said...

This makes me incredibly sad to see it's all gone. I just moved from 3/1st Ave after 14 years. I really hope Anne from the laundry is doing ok.