Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday's parting shot

From the EVG inbox: "Curious if you've ever heard of a wild rabbit/eastern cottontail presence around the EV?"

The readers spotted a rabbit in the vacant lot on the SE corner of Avenue B and 13th Street. Perhaps a released (or escaped?) pet? "It seemed very people averse and ... hopping around OK, no collar." 

And only one month until Easter on April 20. 

Thanks to Sara for the photo!


Christopher Pelham said...

I hope no one will hurt it, including our hawks and the possum!

A. Beirne said...

There was a whole colony of rabbits in El Jardin del Paraiso between 4th and 5th street Ave C to Ave D, but I haven't been that way in quite a while

JK said...

Never trust the possum to do the right thing

J said...

Life is good