NabeWise allows you to understand any neighborhood as if you've already lived there, so you can explore the world on a local level, discover new places, and find the neighborhoods that are right for you.
NabeWise is currently in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle and Chicago. For each city, they offer "real-time neighborhood rankings across 65 key attributes such as, trendiness, noise-level, families, hipsters, and safety — things people really talk about and care about."
So! I thought it was time to look in how the East Village is shaping up against other NYC neighborhoods...
Out of 266 neighborhoods...we are rated:
No. 1 for hipsters
No. 1 for gay/lesbian identity
No. 1 for nightlife
No. 1 for artists/creatives
No. 2 for singles
On the low end... we are rated:
225th for parking
214th for quiet
185th for clean
102nd for public transportation
79th for parks

Hmmm...dunno if I agree with all this...
And is there a category for "loud, drunken singles who don't live here"?
You can go there yourself to rate and review.... and really blow the curve. Help change some of these words!