Work is at roughly the halfway point at Open Road Park adjacent to the East Side Community School on 12th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.
As the signs note, the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation (KDCF) is funding the refurbishment of the basketball courts.
Here's more about the program:
In 2015, NIKE, Inc., Kevin Durant, and the KDCF partnered to create the BUILD IT AND THEY WILL BALL Courts Renovation Initiative to increase the number of high quality basketball courts accessible to underprivileged youth across the United States and internationally. BUILD IT AND THEY WILL BALL will propel the mission of the KDCF to enrich the lives of youth from low-income backgrounds through various educational and athletic programs.
The refurbishment includes a KDCF mural by Bronx-based artist André Trenier (who does the monthly murals on the gate at Mikey Likes It on Avenue A)...

Perhaps this will entice Durant to come play for the Knicks. #Heh