There was a time when you would see Old Flat Top (rear) with its friend the Free Willie Nelson (front) around the neighborhood, mostly on East Third Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue near where owner Ron Britt lived. Until the Free Willie Nelson — a 1973 Dodge Mahal Travco — caught on fire on East Sixth Street back in September 2011. And we never saw the Free Willie Nelson again...
Old Flat Top remained around... and now, as EVG regular Salim notes, OFT looks to have a new friend... spotted earlier on East Third Street...

[Photo this a.m. by @salim]
At this point we don't know if the second RV is a new resident or just visiting...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Everything that you've ever wanted to know about the "Free Willie" Nelson RV on Third Street
The Free Willie Nelson caught on fire!
Memorial for the Free Willie Nelson