The week-or-two-long morbid curiosity over Lady GaGa will (I hope) end soon.
Until then! The Superficial had the following shot yesterday:

With this comment:
Lady GaGa decided to pull the ol' "Pretend to Take Pictures of the Paparazzi" routine last night while leaving Bungalow 8 in London. It's a celeb tactic to deter the paps from taking shots because your face is obscured. Of course, it's slightly more effective when, I dunno, you're not wearing a see-through shirt with tape over your nipples.
Meanwhile, I'm not comparing these two in any way
whatsover, but the electric tape reminded me of Wendy O. Williams... And I can't believe it has been 11 years since she died -- April 6, 1998.

Previous photos of Lady GaGa on
EV Grieve include.
[Bottom photo via
Prehistoric Sounds]
Sorry for all the nipples today.