Showing posts with label apartment hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apartment hunting. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2014

A 'Dear Super' letter: One way to find a new apartment

An EVG reader who lives on East Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C sent along this "Dear Super" note affixed to the front door of an apartment building.

As you can see, the apartment hunter is reaching right out to the super — skipping those busybody middlepeople like brokers! — for help securing a "quieter one bedroom or large loft studio" to move to.

The apartment hunter does a fine job of presenting him- or herself — "very clean, reliable, keep a beautiful apartment with pride."

Anyway, what an old-fashioned way to find an apartment. Perhaps it might just work? Hard to say! My super always ignores my notes. "We do not have any hot water again…"