Showing posts with label closed for renovations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label closed for renovations. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Crowdsourcing campaign winding down for Rawvolution — in Santa Monica

Rawvolution, the raw vegan cafe/retail store on East 12th Street, closed "for renovations" back in early December. At the time, Jill heard from an employee that they would reopen Jan. 1.

A week or so later, a former employee said the Rawvolution was done here, that the owners were focusing on their Santa Monica, Calif.-based flagship store.

Claimed the employee: There was "no warning, or heads up to their employees…shady shady." Said another former employee: "Furthermore, they failed to pay their entire staff their last two paychecks."

The Rawvolution website still says: "At this time we are not delivering locally to New York City, this is only temporary and will keep you updated when we do start again."

Meanwhile, in Santa Monica, a crowdsourcing campaign is winding down to save that shop. Per IndieGoGo: "Our landlord is trying to evict us. He has been trying to find ways to take away this community hub of amazing food and inspiration for years and to replace RAWvolution with a corporate coffee bar. We need $38,000 to keep the doors open and to ensure that we have enough capital to ensure a sustainable future." [Updated: Good point per a commenter: No mention in this campaign of the East Village location.]

With about 20-some hours left, the owners are nearly $34,000 short of their goal.

An East 12th Street resident told us that the storefront has been gutted, with some "real-estate types" in and out of the place.

Rawvolution opened in August 2011 here just east of Avenue A.

Monday, January 7, 2013

EV Grieve Eatery Etc.: Pudgie's-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's closes for renovations; new 4th Avenue bar opens

The Pudgie's-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's action-packed combo opened on First Avenue in June... by the fall, the joint was for sale. At last look, the asking price was $189,000.

Meanwhile, several readers have noted that the space has been closed of late...

...and a sign on the door points to a "renovation."

Will the former former King Gyro continue to be a Pudgie's-Nathan's-Arthur Treacher's? Or will it become a new combo of fastish food?


Back in October, that gigantic Fourth Avenue bar the Forum "closed for renovations." And now, the space is back open as The Royal...

...we don't know a thing about the new venture... kind of looks the same as Forum, at least from the outside. We were never inside.


...And on Second Avenue, don't be alarmed if you see the gate down at the Stage...

... the EVG favorite is closed today for Ukrainian Christmas ...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rawvolution has 'closed for renovations' on East 12th Street

Rawvolution, the raw vegan cafe/retail store on East 12th Street, has closed for renovations. The Santa Monica, Calif.-based store opened in August 2011 here just east of Avenue A.

Jill heard from an employee that the owners are in California ... and they are supposed to reopen Jan. 1.

Meanwhile... anyone ever try the place?


Monday, October 8, 2012

Changes coming to Fourth Avenue and East 13th Street

On Friday, a tipster noted that the Forum had a "closed for renovations" sign on the door ... and the bar on Fourth Avenue near East 13th Street remained closed for the weekend...

Meanwhile, in April, a retail listing went up for the Forum's neighbors, the Dryden Gallery and Brothers Deli... (The Dryden moved to another block in August.)

Here's the latest from our tipster, who heard that:

"Dryden is to become a pizza place. Deal is done and they are building out now. Forum is to become another club .. Brothers Deli is leaving at the end of November. Negotiations are ongoing but it is almost certainly to become a restaurant."

Friday, October 5, 2012

On Fourth Avenue, the Forum is 'closed for renovations'

Several EVG readers noted earlier this morning that gigantic Fourth Avenue bar the Forum has "closed for renovations." An unknown entity was on the September CB3/SLA docket last month ... though, as we recall, it was a scratch...

Perhaps unrelated, in April, a retail listing went up for the Forum's neighbors, the Dryden Gallery and Brothers Deli...

Have any tips about the situation here? Please send them our way via the EV Grieve email...

Friday, September 21, 2012

San Matteo Panuozzo is closed for renovations

We walked by San Matteo Panuozzo on St. Mark's Place one evening earlier in the week and noticed that it was closed ... there's now a sign that says they are closed for renovations and will reopen on Tuesday...

We didn't spot any noticeable renovations going on... Anyway, we look forward to having them reopen — mostly so we can try it. We heard that their pizza-panino hybrid sandwiches are good. (Are they good?) San Matteo Panuozzo opened here in late February ... it's an outpost of the Upper East Side-based San Matteo Pizza and Espresso Bar.

As we recall, CB3 OK'd a beer license for San Matteo in April ... with the stipulation that it close all days at 11 p.m.