This isn't the only part of the East Village with possible stray voltage. A resident points out that the same thing has happened on East Seventh Street between Avenue C and Avenue D dating back to Wednesday …
"On Wednesday, a series of cones and caution tape went up ... covering multiple cars, motorcycles, tree pits, garden gates, approximately six or seven buildings wide. Movie being made? Crime scene? Art installation? Nope, there's live current running through tree pit fences, railings, cars, street lamp posts and the pavement. A number of dogs have received severe shocks, including Maybelline, the black standard poodle, whose heart stopped as she fell to the ground convulsing, yelping and writhing in pain."
"This area has had current running through the detailed area for days, with none of the residents receiving any information on the danger. The area has NO SIGNAGE warning of the danger of electrical shock," according to the resident, who has documented the various offenses. The resident also notes that a Con Ed subcontractor has sat in his car since Wednesday watching over the scene, but never talking to passersby.
Eventually the NYPD get involved.
"Con Ed's subcontractor tells the police this car, surrounded by a couple cones and caution tape (no signage provided) is sitting over live wires.
Hmmmmm, might want to let neighborhood folks in on what's happening," said the resident. "Thanks Con Ed for being on it! So on it, that the police had to place a call to get a ConEd emergency crew on the scene."
After the NYPD put in a call, an emergency Con Ed crew arrived on the scene yesterday afternoon around 4. The emergency crew blocked the sidewalk with more cones and tape to prevent pedestrians from entering the area. As of last night around 8, the crew was awaiting for a tow truck to remove the car sitting on the live wires.
Con Ed reported that crews have fixed the stray-voltage problems on East Second and East Seventh streets.