As EV Grieve reader Blue Glass details in the photos below.... the new
Souvlaki GR truck took up a spot on the west side of Union Square just above 14th Street yesterday...

This did not go over well with the hot dog vendors. They moved their carts to partially block the truck... and the carts were positioned in such a way that the hot dog/pretzel smoke would flow into the truck...

Regardless, people were still ordering food from the Souvlaki truck, which angered the hot dog vendor with the red shirt....
Eventually he exchanged angry words with the Souvlaki truck owner...

...and made faces at our photographer....

...despite the circumstances (like the hot dog guy yelling and making noise so people couldn't hear the orders at the Souvlaki truck), Blue Glass says the Souvlaki workers kept their cool....

As Blue Glass notes, "There is room for everybody."