Showing posts with label rent increase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rent increase. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Rent Guidelines Board approves increases for 1 million rent-stabilized apartments

Last evening, the city Rent Guidelines Board voted that rents for NYC's approximately 1 million rent-stabilized apartments will rise by 2.75% this fall. 

In a decision that has sparked controversy, the nine-member board, composed of mayoral appointees, approved a 2.75% rent increase for new one-year leases and up to a 5.25% increase for two-year leases, by a 5-4 count. These changes will take effect for leases signed on or after Oct. 1, per Gothamist

The board was reportedly considering 2% to 4.5% hikes for one-year leases and 4% to 6.5% for two-year leases. This was the third straight year for rent increases. 

Neither side was pleased with the outcome. And... 
"Rent is income that buildings need to meet escalating costs, and we are hoping for an upward adjustment that recognizes the need to maintain buildings that are at and approaching 100 years old," Michael Tobman of the Rent Stabilization Association told The City
Politico noted that the vote "is fueling Mayor Eric Adams' political opponents."
The decision marks the lowest one-year increase approved under Adams, who frequently sympathizes with small landlords. Adams is up for reelection next year, and voters’ concerns over housing costs loom as a political liability. 

The increases under Adams, who assumed the mayoralty in 2022, stand in contrast to those approved under his predecessor, Bill de Blasio, who celebrated three years of rent freezes and never oversaw spikes above 1.5 percent in a given year.
According to reports, 11 tenant protesters were arrested outside Hunter College, where the vote occurred. 

Every major media outlet covered the vote... including ABC 7 ... NY1 ... NBC 4 ... and CBS 2.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Golden Food Market closes on 1st Avenue and 7th Street

[Photo by Rainer Turim]

The deli on the northeast corner of First Avenue and Seventh Street closed last night after nearly 35 years in business.

Workers began dismantling the market on Sunday evening...

[Photo by Steven]

[Photo by Steven]

An LLC with a West 11th Street address bought the building at 118 First Ave. back in the spring for $5.8 million, according to public records.

According to a reader who spoke with the Golden Food Market (aka Ali's) staff, the lease was up for renewal and the new landlord wanted an increase that was more than the store could manage.

Ali Fardos, whose family owned Golden Food Market, also runs East Village Organic a few storefronts to the north on First Avenue.

An EVG reader shared this upon learning the news yesterday: "Ali and staff are the nicest people around. The prices were fair, but most memorably, they stayed open all during and after Sandy. I think I remember that they were lit by hanging kerosene lanterns. They will be missed and fondly remembered."

[Photo by Rainer Turim —— click pic to go big]