I'm not one for weeks in review and what not ... but it did seem to be a busy week... As always,thank you for your comments... and news tips
So! A quick recap of a few of the posts....
• We looked at Allen Ginsberg's former apartment
• We called for a new bandshell for Tompkins Square Park.
• We watched Ray featured on CNNmoney.com.
• We discovered that "Party Girls" who like to be victim's of "sexy humor" were needed.
• We looked at night-time photos of the Copper Building (31 comments)
• We watched a video of the "underground" grilled cheese peddler (18 comments)
• We looked back at Shepard Fairey's mural on Houston and the Bowery
• We helped The East Side Community School compete for $500,000
• We learned that Red Mango closed
• We took pity on a sick Barney
• We met the former East Village "hipster" who may or may not owe the IRS big bucks