Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hawks and dogs

Thanks to Allen Semanco for these shots from the Tompkins Square Park dog run this morning... when a red-tailed hawk popped by for a visit...

... and a few curious looks....

Grace Farrell's 12-year-old son blames the 'street hustlers in Tompkins Square Park' for his mom's death

The Daily News has a follow-up today on Grace Farrell, the 35-year-old homeless woman found dead early Sunday morning in an alcove next to St. Brigid's. They speak with her 12-year-old so Oliver.

Some excerpts:

An autopsy showed no sign of foul play, but Oliver and his father, Al Muniz, who live in the East Village, blame the street hustlers in Tompkins Square Park for plying her with booze and cocaine.

"Drugs and alcohol ruin you," said Oliver. "The guys in the park knew she was weak."


He denied claims by her street friends that he abused her.

"Any man who lays his hands on a woman is a coward," he said.

[Photo of Grace and Oliver via The Daily News]


EV Grieve reader Samo notes that Earth Matters on Ludlow Street just introduced a new fridge dedicated to raw Gwyneth Paltrow vegan goodness...

As Samo notes: "This just further solidifies that EV/LES is the haven for the health conscious. With LIQUITERIA, Juice Press, Organic Avenue, Quintessence, Live Live, High Vibe, Xoom!, Caravan of Dreams, etc!"

Does V8 from Key count?

[Updated: Crap... no mention of one of my favorite places — Peter Silvestri's Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen on St. Mark's Place..]

A new era for CB3 liquor license approvals

There's good news on the future of Lower East Side/East Village nightlife after Community Board 3 approved revamped liquor license policies on Tuesday night. I've been following this story, and have attended several preliminary meetings. However, I wasn't able to make Tuesday night's meeting in which the full community board voted on the topic.

The Lo-Down has been all over the story. Here's their take:

Last night Community Board 3 voted to put in place comprehensive new policies that could have a dramatic impact on the nightlife industry on the Lower East Side for years to come. The revised rules, governing how CB3′s SLA Committee evaluates liquor license applications, are intended to streamline and standardize a process that has been harshly criticized by bar owners and community activists alike as inconsistent and capricious.

In particular, the full board voted to phase out "the controversial practice of automatically transferring licenses from one operator to another." (Be sure to read the Lo-Down's post on last week's epic bar policy meeting in which CB3 member David McWater said to another board member: "That is the most bullshit thing you could ever fucking say. You want to see ballistic? This is ballistic.")

Here's the view from Rob at Save the Lower East Side!:

A momentous vote last night at Community Board 3: they voted, in effect, to curb the trend of commercial real estate speculation that has been decimating local-serving businesses and speeding up yuppie gentrification, which, unlike family-gentrification, creates neighborhoods of upscale transients displacing community without replacing any community at all. CB3 voted to phase out automatic liquor license transfer approval. It may be the most significant vote they've ever made.

Under the old dispensation, when a bar owner decides to sell the business, a new owner of that business can 'buy' the liquor license. The CB, treating the bought license as if there were no change in management, effectively guarantees the financial value of the license. That sends a message to prospective bar owners everywhere that a license is guaranteed — insured — in this community district. You don't have to face the community, you don't have to face the Board members. If the street on that business has over time filled with new bars, you don't have to worry about increased community objections.

Jill at Blah Blog Blah has been closely following the issue too... Read her post on the topic from last week that inspired a good deal of conversation.

For more on this story, here are nice recaps from Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo and the Local East Village.

One important note on all this: CB3 is going to grandfather all current licenses, meaning that a current active license may still be transferred.

In any event, I'm still wrapping my head around all this. Don't expect to see shops selling, say, yarn, records, zines, junk and what not popping up on Avenue A tomorrow now in place of bars as a result of this. It took years for the East Village/LES to get into this nightlife mess; it will take a few more before there's a noticeable difference. But there's hope....

Rethinking the bench defense

The other day on East Third Street....


Lourdes of the bar flies

Yesterday, we noted that Kelly Osbourne, the new face for Madonna's tween line Material Girl, shot the ad campaign last month at Mars Bar and Lit Lounge. Osbourne hung out there with Lourdes Leon, who runs Material Girl with her mom.

Anyway! A few readers sent along pics from the shoot...

And here's Lourdes discussing the photo shoot at the Mars Bar: "Yeah, there were people drinking there and it was, like, three in the afternoon. And it's, like cool ... it was awesome. There were some interesting people there. I think they didn't even notice that there was, like, a girl in short shorts being photographed."

And if there's something really wrong with you, then you can watch the behind-the-scenes video and catch some glimpses of the Mars Bar shoot... and listen to some plugs for Macy's ...

[Ad photos via The Superficial]

Since I've been tagging you

Behind Cooper Union...

Feb. 23

The date yesterday in which we spotted this discarded Christmas tree on St. Mark's Place. Currently the leader in the Late To Toss the Tree standings.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Falling piece of an air conditioner prompts FDNY response

Earlier this afternoon, EV Grieve correspondent Bobby Williams noted that FDNY crews responded to a call on Avenue A and East 10th Street after reports of a falling piece of metal ... Those on the scene said that it was a piece from an air conditioner from 280 E. 10th St.

Apparently no one was struck by the object ... but firefighters weren't taking any chances after the AC accident on Second Avenue last September...

First Avenue, 5:39 p.m., Feb. 23
