Sunday, May 4, 2008

Deal of the week

Hip and Happening East Greenwich Village! Open living room with hideaway bed! Almost floor to ceiling wall-to-wall windows! Just steps to street. Amenities are inclusive of free Wi-Fi and unlimited garbage pickup.

As the sun goes down, this neighborhood comes alive! Mere steps to the vibrant East Village / LES scene, shops and boutiques! A stones throw to happening Ludlow and Clinton Steets! F V J M Z a short stroll away! Off the Avenues for easy cab access 24hours a day! Coffee shops, clubs, lounges, restaurants and all neighborhood amenities!

This is almost an actual ad -- bits and pieces from a few that I saw. Changed a detail or two. And it's only $2,695.

Scenes from a Derby day

Had more. But not feeling all that festive.

[At the OTB on Delancey]

Back at the OTB on Delancey. Not all that thrilling. But a tiny slice of life there. Went the sneaky, hidden camera route for a variety of reasons, mostly not to draw any attention to myself...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So long, OTB (and happy Derby day)

The Kentucky Derby is today. And in the EV Grieve household (aka, apartment), it's a national holiday. There are screenings of The Lemon Drop Kid, Saratoga, The Killing and Seabiscuit. Well, won't get into all the rituals. Don't want you to think we're really weird. Oh. And there's the ceremonial trip to an OTB parlor. This year, though, the whole thing is a little bittersweet. Bloomberg is pushing for these things to shutter after the Belmont. Anyway, much has already been written about the future of OTBs. In fact, the state just closed two, including the parlor right by my office at 17 John St.

I'm stunned that the state closed this location for good at 7 last night, HOURS BEFORE THE BIGGEST BETTING DAY OF THE YEAR.

Idiots, yes? As the Post reported, the branch, open since 1982, generated bets of $5,915,870 in fiscal 2007.

I stopped by John Street yesterday at lunch. There were FOUR people inside. It's actually a lovely little spot. The paneled walls give it a basement rec room feel circa, well, 1982. There are 12 betting windows (15 if you count the three automated tellers). Yesterday, only three of the windows were open. I was shocked how quiet it was. I took exactly one picture inside the door (and a lousy one at that) before I was shooed away by a OTB worker standing guard by the door. I tried to explain what I was doing. He didn't seem interested in my story.

This line from the Times article sums it up best:

It is an ever-narrowing slice of New York that still belongs to the hustler and the old-timer. Soon it may be extinct...

Like everything else that helps give the city some character.

My shopping list today includes rum, vodka, Grand Theft Auto IV, underwear...and I'll start watching Gossip Girl

Are advertisers even trying anymore? I saw all this in a two-block stretch.

[Nice grasshopper, so to speak]

Related: More vanity.

East Ninth Street between First and Second Avenue, 7:46, May 3

Friday, May 2, 2008

“It’s a corporation, and it’s run like that"

Nice piece of reporting in this week's issue of New York Press. Apparently the Strand is a horrible place to work, with allegations of racial discrimination as well as insensitive treatment of pregnant workers. Not to mention the vermin.

"It’s not the East village hipster bookstore it’s presented to be,” said one current 26-year-old male employee. “It’s a corporation, and it’s run like that."

An aside, I didn't realize that corridor along Broadway was once a haven for book stores. According to the article: "In 1927, Ben Bass opened the Strand on Fourth Avenue, which was also known as Book Row, a stretch from Union Square to Astor Place filled with 48 bookstores. Today, the Strand is the only one that remains in operation."

Another aside. Thinking about something Alex wrote at Flaming Pablum: "I fear that very soon, all the record stores in Manhattan -- big and small, corporate and independent -- will be a thing of the past. And that, my friends, is going to be a sad day. And book stores will be the next to go."

I hate to say that he's going to be right...but he's going to be right.

And, uh, an aside to the asides: Sure, I'm used to advertising being on Page 1, but those American Apparel ads are really annoying.

[Via Gawker]

New York City subway films of the 1970s

So I've been yammering away about the remake of The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. It has made for some nice conversation at the bar. You know, great New York subway-related movies. Lo and behold, I found a clip on YouTube featuring "New York City subway films of the 1970s." (No French Connection or The Taking of Pelham One Two Three in this montage that includes Death Wish, King Kong and The Warriors.

Oh, speaking of The Warriors, this scene spooked me when I first saw the movie 100 years ago.

Now, it just seems kind of...funny. "Ohh, scarey! One of the guys from Loverboy with a falsetto is clinking those empty pony bottles together...Please stop!"

Soon we'll be saying, "At least it's not a Starbucks AND a bank"

Are there that many Starbucks/bank combos around town? (This one only shares an entrance -- the businesses are separate. But the thought of them together...) I've never paid much attention. Saw this one om Sixth Avenue in the 50s. Actually, it was handy. I could use the ATM to get enough money to buy a cup of coffee. [Booing myself]