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Showing posts sorted by date for query fairey. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time for the Shepard Fairey mural to go

I'm not sure what else to say about the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery... every day, a little bit more of it disappears... it's like a beached whale being slowly pecked clean by every passing seagull, crab, uh, you get the idea. I took these photos last evening. I'm sure it looks worse this morning.

Or maybe the mural is more interesting this way, as one East Village resident suggested to DNAinfo.

BoweryBoogie has an update on the mural today too.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shepard Fairey's mural continues to go to pieces

On Thursday, Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo reported on the vandalized state of Shepard Fairey's mural on Houston and the Bowery... and, every day (night), the mural continues to be mauled... someone or somebody pulled more of the mural apart in the last 12 hours...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Every day, a little bit more of Shepard Fairey chips away...

The damage to the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery continues... a bit more advanced this evening than Sunday morning...

Meanwhile, our friend Bryan Waterman weighs in on this mural today at Patell and Waterman’s History of New York. In short: "It’s hard not to see this as the public demanding something better on that corner."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Shepard Fairey mural is just a hole-y mess now

Last night (or early this morning), more of the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery has been ripped apart...

BoweryBoogie has been keeping tabs on the destruction here as well...

Sunday, June 20, 2010


With these photos, EV Grieve reader Peter notes the continued deterioration of the Shepard Fairey mural on Houston and the Bowery... As he said, "Odd that the previous mural remained so untouched whereas Mr. Fairey's mural has seemingly been under attack since day one."


NYC the Blog noted the latest bout of vandalism... and counted 11 holes in the mural... Said Bucky Turco of ANIMAL last week: "At this point, unless someone lights it on fire, I really don’t care what happens to Shepard Fairey’s mural..."

He's not alone.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shepard Fairey has his holes filled

This morning, BoweryBoogie noted the epic new holes that someone punched into Shepard Fairey's mural on Houston and the Bowery...

...and just like that, the holes have been filled...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Historic bombing on the Shepard Fairey mural

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A plaque for Shepard Fairey, and something else to tag

A new plaque went up to commemorate Shepard Fairey's mural on Houston and the Bowery... Only about six weeks after the mural went up... (And when will the plaque be defaced?)

Flashback to April 20!

For further reading:
Houston Wall (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
Graffiti Wall Primed for Shepard Fairey (BoweryBoogie)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Your guide to the doomed corners of the Bowery

It's challenging to remember all the change coming to what's left of the Bowery... so, a recap, starting next to the New Museum...

1) Speaking of the New Museum, they bought the former restaurant supply company at 231 Bowery here back in September 2008 for $16.6 million, according to the Times. Museum officials said they'd use the top floors for offices and storage and lease out the groundfloor to retail...

2) The parcel of land across the street from the New Museum has nearly 67,000 square feet of buildable space -- six lots on the Bowery at Prince Street... and it has been on the market...the Bari family has owned the property since the 1940s...

3) Eater reported last week that a new restaurant is taking over part of the Sunshine Hotel annex at 245 Bowery at Stanton Street...

4) At 57 Bond at the Bowery (your "new intersection of cool")... the former WaMu bank branch can be yours for retail... Seems like a 1,000 years ago when a Sunoco was on this corner.

5) 325 Bowery at Second Street will become the latest manly-man eatery/bar from Taavo Somer and William Tigertt...

6) I don't know about the southwest corner of the Bowery and Great Jones... can't image this will be an empty lot for too much longer...

7) As I reported last week, the space is available immediately at 348-352 Bowery, which includes the corner lot...

8) The former Salvation Army East Village Residence at 347 Bowery was primed to become an upscale sushi place, but the Koi people decided against it... still for the taking...

9) And as it has been reported this week, 2 Cooper Square will have apartments for upwards of $20,000 a month.


10) The White House at 338-340 Bowery is doomed... The four-story building erected in 1916 now serves as a hostel as well as a permanent home for a handful of low-income residents. It is destined to become a hotel...

11) The former Amato Opera building is now taking offers for use as a restaurant...

12) 250 Bowery is a stalled hotel project that is now a hole in the ground... As BoweryBoogie put it: "A dormant pit of doom defined by overgrowth, rusty steel pylons, and errant trash."

13) How about the northwest corner of Houston and the Bowery where Shepard Fairey is getting tagged now? Jeremiah has more on the history (and future) of this space....

And this is just from Prince to Fourth Street... keep going south and you'll find more disturbing closures and developments... BoweryBoogie has been all over this...

Not even a new dickchicken on one of these corners makes me smile anymore...

Friday, May 28, 2010

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Memorials as street art — I love these too (The Gog Log)

Last seedy "gentlemen's club" in Times Square shuttered (Grub Street)

Gateway to the East Village circa 1983 (Flaming Pablum)

EV Heave spotted something gross outside the Coop (EV Heave)

Shepard Fairey's mural makes a fine backdrop for an 1980s photo shoot (BoweryBoogie)

A beautiful luncheonette in Greenpoint (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

New York Moviefone Mashup (Patell and Waterman’s History of New York)

More memories of St. Vincent's (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Sailors on St. Mark's (East Village Corner…Musings By MELANIE)

Fancy toast and an omelette at the new Trump SoHo Hotel via room service = $55 (The New York Times)

BaHa mentioned these a few weeks back... and I came across them myself on a trip to Chelsea Market....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shepard Fairey's mural tagged and cleaned and tagged again ... again

I can't even keep track of this anymore... the tags are cleaned off, only to return bigger and better...

Read the previous Shep coverage here.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Death becomes him

Hey now. Just catching up with the Times of New York from the other day... The newspaper reviews Shepard Fairey's Deitch Projects show. And what does the reviewer think?

"On the walls of an art gallery, his efforts look like death warmed over."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mr. Brainwash gives Shepard Fairey some love

But first... As I pointed out on Saturday, Shepard Fairey's Bowery-Houston mural got hit pretty hard ...

Now, it looks as if someone is making some progress cleaning off the mural...

...while Banksy Mr. Brainwash checks in next door....

Previously on EV Grieve:
Historic bombing on the Shepard Fairey mural

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shepard Fairey's Cooper Square Hotel mural tagged too

After seeing photos of the epic bombing of Shepard Fairey's Bowery/Houston mural this past weekend, a reader said that he also noticed a small tag on Shep's Cooper Square Hotel work ...

... by the time we stopped by, the small tag had been wiped mostly clean... but you can still see the outline...

...this first attempt may just be the start of Open Season here too...