Friday, May 18, 2012

Earlier today in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Circuit breakers

The Polecats with "Make a Circuit With Me" circa 1983.

This weekend: The Ukrainian Festival on Seventh Street; DanceFest in Tompkins Square Park

The Ukrainian Festival...

...and tomorrow... the DanceFest 2012: Dance Parade kicks off at 1 ... (Details here)

Then! In Tompkins Square Park from 3-7 p.m.

Find the complete schedule for tomorrow's DanceFest here.

And now, photos of a boot with flowers on Avenue A

New Avenue A beautification project?

Spotted at East Sixth Street today....

Photos by Dave on 7th...

Oh, and here's another angle via Andrew Adam Newman on Avenue C ...

Everyone loves a really bad meatball sandwich!

EV Grieve reader MP sent this along from outside JoeDough today on First Avenue near St. Mark's ...


And here's the Yelp review from February...

Probably the worst meatball sandwich (special of the day) I have had in the tri-state area in my 32 years of living here, especially for $12. In all fairness I have not had the other sandwiches but with prices like that coupled with underwhelming food and slow service this will be a skip in the future. Joe Hell No!

Reader report: Starbucks back open on Second Avenue, but the sidewalk cafe is gone

[The now former sidewalk cafe via Google Street View]

A reader notes that the Starbucks is back open after Monday's temporary closure. Curious what had transpired, the reader went inside...

"I just chatted with the girl behind the counter. They were shut down Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week for illegally offering outdoor seating. The seating is now gone and they have no plans to bring it back."

The further adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street

Back in March, we introduced you to Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street, whose owners recently brought her home from a shelter.

[Kita in March]

Since then, the cards and letters continued to arrive at the EV Grieve P.O. Box. How is Kita? How is she adjusting to life here? That kind of thing.

So we got in touch with Kita's owner for an update.

Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street has spent her days acclimating to the neighborhood. She had a close call with some sort of terrier mix that got off its leash while crossing Avenue A and lunged for poor Kita.

Being the wonder dog that she is she literally leapt out of its clutches and received an ovation from the people seated outside CafĂ© Pick Me Up. Kita is heavy into the dog run across the street. While she enjoys chasing pigeons, we’ve tried to explain to her that there’s nothing stealth about a dog with three noisy dog tags and a bright yellow ball in her mouth trying to sneak up on a flock of unsuspecting birds.

She remains undeterred.

Kita spent a recent weekend up in Connecticut and went on a little boat ride.

Once we were smack in the middle of the lake, (Bantam Lake, in Litchfield County, the largest natural lake in Connecticut for those who might be interested) she promptly fell or jumped in — it was hard to tell which. Turns out to be a reasonably good swimmer.

On the next episode: Kita applies for a liquor license.

City temporarily closes Baoguette on St. Mark's Place

Yesterday, Baoguette Cafe on St. Mark's Place was closed... workers were cleaning up the place...

[Bobby Williams]

Now with the gates down, you can spot the DOH stickers...

A handwritten sign says "Sorry we are closed. Need to renew expired permit tomorrow! Hope to open tomorrow."

The expiration date on the document is April 30, 2012.

However, there's more to it than a simple expired permit. According to the DOH website, Baoguette was hit with 80 violation points during an inspection, including evidence of various live things.

Meanwhile, we spotted this under the Baoguette sign out front.. a reminder of the former tenant... Ah, Bamn! (And their website is still live!)

[Updated] There is a woman who has been walking around the East Village topless

NSFW if you keep scrolling

In the past two weeks, multiple readers have sent us emails asking if we had seen a woman walking around the neighborhood topless.

We had not. And we had not seen any photographic evidence of this.

Until now.

Here is a photo via ‏@AskWass ... who noted in a tweet last evening: "Topless girl is Just wandering the east village on this lovely Thursday."

One reader believes that she is simply reminding people that women have the same right as men to appear topless in public. (We don't know for sure if that is her intention. If she would like to contact us via the EV Grieve email ...)

In fact, it has been legal for woman to go topless in New York City since 1992.

A reader passed along this photo from outside Whole Foods on Union Square ...

And via @michalmeer1 ... on Second Avenue two weeks ago...

Updated: 3:27 Friday ...

Racked roving photographer Atisha Paulson caught up with the woman, Moira Johnston, yesterday in Union Square ... and interviewed her about her ensemble... Find the interview here. ...

Bonus Q-and-A excerpt:

Can you tell us a little bit about your outfit?

I'm going topless today. It's to raise awareness that's it's legal for woman to be topless anywhere a guy can be without a shirt since 1992 here in New York State.

A quick look at the Bowery south of Houston

Over at 250 Bowery, just a little south of Houston, work continues on the new luxury condos that will include penthouses starting at $2.7 million, as Curbed has been reporting.

And they'll be an Anthropologie anchoring the retail space...

The future... (at night, anyway) ...

[Via Curbed]

BoweryBoogie summarized the lot's recent history here.

Meanwhile, next door at 260 Bowery, there's the doomed Standard Sheetmetal Fabrication Corp.

The building remains on the market...

No price mentioned at RKF ... Per the updated listing, there's "great branding potential" and "Interior walls can be demised." (We'll say!)

Wonder how much longer before all the supply shops north toward Pulino's on the corner will remain where they are no longer welcome ...