Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

A dog in distress

An EVG reader who lives mid-block on the west side of Second Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street reports hearing "a dog that has been crying and howling every night for the past 2–3 months." 

The reader isn't sure exactly where the dog might be, except the sound seems close by and coming from some adjacent outdoor space.
"I've submitted multiple 311 complaints for animal abuse, but they are always closed with 'police action not necessary.' To be fair, I'm not sure if I'm sending the cops to the right address, and I wouldn't know the apartment to send them to even if I did know." 
"I'm reaching out to you because I'm not sure what else to do at this point," the reader said. "This breaks my heart every night... Sounds like the pup is without shelter, exposed to all kinds of weather."

Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday's opening shot

Photo by Steven

It may be a little early for the dog days of summer.

In any event, we're told she has enjoyed chilling in the Tompkins Square Park compost pile in the mornings...

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday's parting shot

EVG reader Ms. Wildflower share this photo from Fourth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C, noting: "Our block is notoriously disgusting. Looks like someone finally had enough!"

Friday, July 28, 2023

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tuesday's parting shot

Photo on Avenue A late this afternoon by Stacie Joy...

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Now You're Clean, offering self-service dog washing, opens on 10th Street

From the EVG reader tipline... Now You're Clean just opened its doors at 279 E. 10th St. west of Avenue A. 

Here's the business description via Yelp: "Self-Service Dog Wash in 15 Minutes. First automated dog washing machine in New York. Affordable and fast. We also offer ... pet products such as leashes, harnesses and toys." 

Per the sign out front, the first wash is free. 

Hours: Daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a 10 a.m. start Saturday and Sunday. 

H/T Christine!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Concern for the barking dogs at 58 St. Mark's Place

Back in October, an EVG reader wrote in about a seemingly unattended dog (or dogs) coming from somewhere in the shared courtyard toward the west side of the block between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place ... and First Avenue and Second Avenue. 

Since then, thanks to some sleuthing, the reader has tracked down the location ... but is stymied by the lack of progress to free the dogs.

I posted on Next Door, where I was able to find a man across the courtyard who had already posted about the dogs, and could identify the building and posted a video of the dogs barking and scratching at the back entrance, as well as someone who had seen the dogs moved into the same building at the time when the barking started. 

Unfortunately, what we learned is that the dogs are being kept in the abandoned unit that formerly was home to Clay Pot at 58 St. Mark's Place. It's empty. So every time I report it to 311, they send a police officer who knocks on the door, no one answers, and they shut the animal neglect ticket. 

The Office of Health and Mental Hygiene isn't answering their phones or returning messages. The barking is near-constant day and night, and obviously very distressed and suffering. I have been posting flyers outside the door, which get ripped off, and I found a ConEd notice this week saying that there was no tenant in the unit but it was still receiving gas, which would be shut off. 

I (and the others on NextDoor) am now worried that if it gets cold again, or if electricity is cut off, those dogs will freeze to death, or die of sheer neglect in the dark.

Is there anything else EV Grieve readers can think of? I have tried 311 and the 92nd St ASPCA (both of which send the complaint to the local NYPD precinct, which knocks and leaves), flyers, Next Door. I'm at wit's end and feel as though I am just waiting for the dogs to die tragically. 
58 St. Mark's Place between First Avenue and Second is one of the many East Village buildings scooped up by now-disgraced landlord Raphael (Rafi) Toledano. The building appears to still be in his name, per public records.

In 2017, a subsidiary of lender Madison Realty Capital took over the portfolio while Toledano was mired in bankruptcy proceedings. It's not immediately clear who is managing the building today... or who is keeping the dogs behind an empty restaurant space.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday's parting shot

All dressed up... in Tompkins Square Park today via Derek Berg...

Reader mailbag: What to do about the dog that barks all day long

 Via the EVG inbox...

In the past few weeks there has been a dog (possibly dogs) that has been barking loudly, early, and all day from the shared courtyard toward the west side of the block between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place ... and First Avenue and Second Avenue.
It's a courtyard that is highly audible to everyone in the surrounding buildings, and people yelling outside the window haven't stopped whatever person is leaving their dog outside all day. 
Has anyone else had this problem, or know what can be done to help? Without a specific address or knowing which building is providing the courtyard access, there's no real way to report to the city through 311. Any neighborhood help is appreciated.

Image via Emojipedia!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday's parting shot

Dog-window action on 12th Street today via Vinny & O...

Monday, July 13, 2020

Oscar watch on 2nd Street

Over the weekend, artist Early Riser (aka Lauren Elzbi) completed a mural alongside the 1st Ave. Laundry Center on Second Street at First Avenue, as EVG contributor Stacie Joy reported.

The subject: local pup Oscar Madison, a special needs rescue...

[Photo via @earlyrisernyc]

The 12-foot-tall work is titled "I am strong, I am equal." She completed the mural using freehand, brush and a couple stencils, all in acrylic.

And here's the artist and Oscar with his human companion, Rick Van Benschoten ...

And this is the latest mural along this stretch of Second Street that's curated by East Village Walls...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

For the dogs: Shake and Tail now open on 11th Street

From the inbox: Longtime EVG regular Liberation Iannillo brings us word of a new dog-grooming (and walking!) business that opened recently at 330 E. 11th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue. They were originally set to open in March, but that didn't happen.

You can find the website for Shake and Tail right here.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wednesday's parting shot

Thanks to EVG regular Lola Sáenz for the Christmas Day photo of Destiny with Matilda the Reindeer Dog in Tompkins Square Park...

Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday's parting shot

[From the top left] Jax, Atticus and Alistair dressed up in Tompkins Square Park today... photo by Derek Berg...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday's parting shot

Tenacious defense! Photo at the Tompkins Square Park dog run today by Derek Berg...

Monday, November 4, 2019

This dog was found this morning in Tompkins Square Park

Per a reader:

The dog was found with a necktie as a makeshift collar and a chain as a makeshift leash. No real collar or tags.

The girl who found him asked around the dog park if anyone recognized him, but none of us did. He didn't look that old and seemed in decent shape (like he had been taken care of) so maybe he was lost vs. abandoned.

The person who found him will take him to a vet to see if there's a chip...


The vet didn't find a chip. The dog is currently in a loving foster home.