Wednesday, April 10, 2013

202 First Ave. is for sale

There's a new listing at Eastern Consolidated for 202 First Ave., the story-story building that houses No Relation between East 12th Street and East 13th Street.

A few details from the listing:

Of the 20 residential units, 5 apartments (25%) are Rent Stabilized with an average monthly rent of $1,016, which represents over a 50% discount to current market rates. The remaining fifteen (15) one, two, and three bedroom apartments (75%) are free market with an average monthly rent of $2,903. 8 of the units have a washer and dryer and 3 units are duplexed with rooftop terraces. In total, the 20 occupied apartments are renting at well below market rates with an overall average monthly rent of $2,431, offering tremendous upside to new ownership.

In summary, the in-place rents at the Property are substantially below market and the building is in excellent physical condition. It has been very well maintained, evidenced by its continuous 100% occupancy. Located in one of Manhattan’s most desirable submarkets, the Property offers an opportunity for investors to reposition the building and capture the significant upside potential.

The listing notes that No Relation "recently signed a new 5-year lease with no options, 3% increases per annum."

Asking price: $13 million.

[Updated] Nevada Smiths might be opening today in their new Third Avenue home

[A look inside a few weeks ago]

We've heard rumors for months now that Nevada Smiths was opening in their new home at 100 Third Ave. — dating back to October ... and every time, those rumors were wrong... Last evening, Zagat reported that the soccer bar would be opening today. Nothing official about this just yet on the Nevada Smiths Facebook page.

Nevada Smiths has been moonlighting at Webster Hall since late 2011. We first reported on the move and demolition of the bar's old home in November 2011.

DANinfo's Serena Solomon got the first look at the $3 million Nevada Smiths last July. The space will reportedly sport 20 plasma televisions scattered throughout the space as well as a pair of massive projection screens that measure 18 feet by 10 feet.

Meanwhile, here's a little look at what used to be in the building at 100 Third Ave.

Updated 5:30 p.m.
Several readers confirmed that the new Nevada Smiths did open earlier this afternoon.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Nevada Smiths is closed, and here's what's next

Those persistent rumors about 74-76 Third Avenue and the future of Nevada Smith's

The East Village will lose a parking lot and gain an apartment building

Here then, where Nevada Smiths once stood

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Here's what's left of the motorcycle that caught on fire Sunday night

The one on East Third Street that was parked in front of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer.

No word yet on the cause of the fire.

Thanks to ‏@katieaka for the photo.

Today's hawk

Late this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park. Photos by Bobby Williams.

Giuseppi Logan

Always good to see Giuseppi Logan in Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Bobby Williams.

[Updated] Taylor Mead is (temporarily) leaving New York

Taylor Mead, the poet and former Warhol star currently living in hellish conditions during his Ludlow Street building's gut renovation, was scheduled to appear Sunday at the Anthology Film Archives.

He was to appear with director Michel Auder to discuss the 1970 cult classic "Cleopatra," which Mead appeared in alongside Nico and Gerard Malanga. However, that appearance has been moved up to tonight.

Per the Anthology website:

Since going to press with our Spring schedule, we've learned that Taylor Mead will be temporarily leaving NYC (for an undetermined period of time) just before our originally scheduled program on Sun, April 14. As a result, we have added a screening on Tues, April 9, with Taylor in person! Since this may be the last chance to see Taylor here in NY for some time, this evening is not to be missed! Come say goodbye to Taylor as he embarks on an adventure out west!

As you may have read, Ben Shaoul bought the building Mead lives in last summer. Mead, 88, continues to live in his rent-stabilized apartment while the rest of the building is converted to market-rate homes. (Mead has lived here for 34 years and pays $380 a month in rent.)

According to a report in the Post, "Workers hammer outside his door from 7 a.m. till the evening. Plaster falls from his walls and roaches crawl up his legs. The kitchen sink doesn’t work."

Word began to spread via Mead's friends and family last week that a buyout/relocation deal was in the works.

As for tonight, the film starts at 7.

Updated 10 p.m.
We asked Clayton Patterson, who has been working to help Mead, for an update. He said that Mead will be spending a few weeks with his niece in Denver... and that there are possibles trips to New Orleans and Upstate New York to follow... "then hopefully back to the LES." Patterson noted that Mead has not ben receiving any help from any local officials. He received one visit from reps from the offices of Councilwoman Margaret Chin and the Cooper Square Committee, as BoweryBoogie noted. "If Taylor had to rely on these political groups and our politicians he would probably be dead by now," Patterson said last night via email. He was unaware if Mead had reached a buyout agreement with the landlord.

[Image via]

Bleecker Bob's closes on Saturday

Via the store's Facebook page:

ONLY 5 days left!!!!!
get to Bleecker Bob's NOW!!!
we're closing this Saturday April 13!!!

Now word just yet if they have found space in the East Village.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[UPDATED] Let's help Bleecker Bob's find space in the East Village

Bleecker Bob's is for rent

Workers remove last fire-damaged car from East Ninth Street

A fire on East Ninth Street late Friday night destroyed three cars parked next to the controversial former P.S. 64 between Avenue B and Avenue C... this afternoon, workers removed the remaining car from the street...

Photo and video via MoRUS.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Early-morning car fire on East 9th Street

Looking at the remains of last night's East Ninth Street car fire

Father Pat lost his car in Friday night's fire

[Updated] Report: CB3 says yes to Golden Cadillac, denies the Asphalt Jungle

Golden Cadillac received the OK last night from the CB3/SLA committee to take over the former Boca Chica space on First Avenue at East First Street, Grub Street's Mary Reinholz reported this morning. (Read more about Golden Cadillac here.)

Meanwhile, regarding another big-ticket item, we heard from several attendees of last night's meeting about the contentious nature of the discussion over The Asphalt Jungle, the new cocktail lounge from the Dutch Kills team. They were applying to take over the former Mercadito Cantina space at 172 Avenue B.

Jean-Paul Buthier, owner of vintage shop Rue St Denis next door, was one of the people to speak out against the applicant. From his view, there are already enough bars on Avenue B ... "Maybe we need more AA meetings."

We'll let Grub Street pick up what reportedly happened next.

Seemingly stung by the Frenchman's comment, [Dutch Kills partner] Boccato replied that he and his partner Ian Present had roots in the East Village and were trying to create a safe and reputable establishment. "We're not carpetbaggers," he said, adding, "with all due respect, sir, your accent doesn't sound like a Native New Yorker." The barman's zinger elicited groans and protests from spectators, and even resulted in calls from committee chair Alexandra Militano for attendees to settle down.

The committee later voted to deny the Asphalt Jungle application. Read the rest of the Grub Street post here.

Updated 4-10
The Dutch Kills team have said they will not move forward with this project on Avenue B.

Tree of life

Yesterday in Tompkins Square Park via EVG contributor jdx.