Saturday, May 4, 2013

Workers ready for a Beyoncé break on Second Avenue

Workers continue to dig holes and stuff for the Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction ... and on Second Avenue at East Houston this morning... noticed something hanging on the plywood here...

Dangerously in love?

Spotted on Avenue Ayyy

Oh, I'm really sorry about that headline. Truly. I've seen Fonzie stickers, but (heh) I don't recall seeing this variation. Perhaps you have? Avenue A and East 11th Street.

First Avenue, 8:41 a.m., May 4

Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys died 1 year ago today

[Photo on East 7th Street by @dens]

Adam Yauch, aka MCA of the Beastie Boys, died on May 4, 2012 after a battle with cancer. He was 47.

The above mural remains in his memory on East Seventh Street just west of First Avenue...

Today, in his honor, a free "MCA Day" takes place at Brooklyn's Littlefield performance and art space from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Meanwhile, yesterday, Adam Yauch Park was unveiled in Brooklyn. Gothamist has several videos from the day here.


[From Centre-Fuge public art project on East First Street last May. Art by Danielle Mastrion]

Previously on EV Grieve:
Remembering Adam Yauch in the East Village

Something fishy at the former CBGB Gallery on the Bowery

Someone asked what the deal was with that plywood at 313 Bowery... workers erected and painted it this past week... The recent home to the Morrison Hotel Gallery and the Steven Tyler pop-up shop Riff (and once, the CBGB Gallery) will become the first East Coast Patagonia Surf Store, as BoweryBoogie has previously reported.

Previously on EV Grieve:
A quick Bowery retail inventory

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tree of life

In Tompkins Square Park today... photos by Bobby Williams...

Inside edition

The Cramps with "What's Inside a Girl?" circa 1986.

'Happy hours' at the the B&H Dairy

EVG favorite B&H Dairy on Second Avenue is advertising "happy hours" ... where you can get 40 percent off that day's lunch special from 3:30-5:30 weekdays... and it's bound to be really good...

Photo by Derek Berg

Jeremiah has a lovely history of the diner with archival photos here.

[Updated] Concern for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park

You've seen the bending elm next to the The Hare Krishna Tree in the center of Tompkins Square Park... (such as in these photos from November via Bobby Williams) ...

Now, GammaBlog points out a potentially dangerous situation here.

[Via GammaBlog]

As you can see from the above photo, the cable attached to the tree appears to be fraying... GammaBlog also notes that TWO cable were attached to the bending elm for support... down to one, and if this cable would snap... Well. Let's get the Parks Department on this. GammaBlog has already called 311.

Updated 5:02

On second thought, GammaBlog thinks that the fraying appears to be the lashing around the cable and not the actual cable. Regardless, a return of the second cable would provide a little more piece of mind...

It takes an Army to empty a synagogue

Workers have been emptying the Congregation Mezritch Synagogue on East Sixth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A ahead of its conversion to condos...

And today, EVG reader Creature notes the truck on scene to help haul away what's left inside...

Any ideas where it might be going?