Saturday, June 10, 2023

About Harold Hunter Weekend

Harold Hunter art by DeGrupo on Houston and the Bowery

The 16th annual Harold Hunter Weekend is underway. 

Billed as "one of NYC’s largest and most highly anticipated skateboarding events," the activities — including in Tompkins Square Park — celebrate the legacy of Hunter, a charismatic local skateboarder who was born and raised at Campos Plaza on 13th Street. He died in 2006 at age 31. 

The weekend is hosted by the Harold Hunter Foundation, a nonprofit that provides support, opportunity and advocacy for skateboarders. 

You can find more details about events here.

Friday, June 9, 2023

To 'Better Days' ahead


Brooklyn-based duo Locations released a new single on Wednesday titled "Better Days," written via FaceTime during the early days of the pandemic. 

This summer, Locations is embarking on the "No New Oil Tour" in collaboration with Extinction Rebellion NYC.

Per a release via the band:
Locations wants you to get out in the streets along with Extinction Rebellion to demand the U.S. government and the "big four" banks put an end to all new fossil fuel projects.
Visit the band's website for more info on their sit-ins and outreach. They're also hosting a single-release party at Alphaville tonight in Brooklyn.

A pop-up gallery for the summer at 42 Avenue B

Photos by Stacie Joy

A pop-up gallery, Life, The Universe & Everything, will be holding forth this summer at 42 Avenue B between Third Street and Fourth Street.

The first show, "Queen of Mars" by Rebecca Leveille Guayabera, opens tonight from 5-9.
This month, the gallery is open Tuesdays-Saturdays from 2-6 p.m. or by appointment. For more info on upcoming events here.

The Tribeca Festival takes over Village East by Angelika on 2nd Avenue

Even though a decent movie hasn't been made since 1915's "The Birth of a Nation," people keep trying and then hosting film festivals.

Screenings for the Tribeca Festival got underway on Wednesday at the Village East by Angelika on Second Avenue and 12th Street. 

BTW — the screenings are at various theaters around the city, not just here. Find a list of what's playing at this link.

As mentioned, the "Kim's Video" documentary on the former EV staple of the same name is showing here next Tuesday and Wednesday. Find ticket info here

Sky watch: A breath of fresh air heading into the weekend

As we're cutting-and-pasting from AccuWeather: "Air quality levels have significantly improved in New York City since Wednesday afternoon." 

As of Friday morning, the Air Quality Index (AQI) was at 36 in New York City's Central Park. The "fair" air quality level is a significant improvement from the "very unhealthy" and "dangerous" levels it was at on Wednesday. 
At 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the AQI was at 413 for NYC — historically high levels that haven't been seen in decades (the good old days!) for NYC, as NBC 4 and other outlets pointed out.

Goggla took the above photo on Wednesday afternoon from Seventh Street and Avenue A... by Tompkins Square Park and the Samuel S. Cox statue. She has some more shots from around the neighborhood here.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Thursday's parting shot

And have a nice day! As seen on First Avenue between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street... photo via Steven...

[Updated] And now, your signage for the Popeyes opening on 14th Street near Avenue A

Photo by Edmund John Dunn 

In the breaking news [🚨🚨🚨] department here at noon ET, the signage for Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen is going up at its new home at 442 E. 14th St., just west of Avenue A.

No word on an opening date.

This makes the second EV Popeyes: an outpost opened in October 2020 at 39 First Ave. between Second Street and Third Street.

The new 14th Street Popeyes combined two storefronts — the Lower East Side Coffee Shop, which closed here after 13 years in February 2021 ... and New Herbal World, which left in September 2019


Now with a final signage shot via Vinny & O...

Where to get free N95 masks today in the East Village

Air quality advisories remain in place as the Canadian wildfire smoke continues to cover the Northeast.

Local City Councilmember Carlina Rivera's office is providing free N95 masks today until 5 p.m. The office is at 254 E. Fourth St., just east of Avenue B. 

And how long will these hazardous conditions and photogenic skylines remain?

Per Gothamist
 The National Weather Service said Thursday that a low-pressure system over Maine will be stalled at least until Saturday, keeping the smoke funneling southward instead of floating east.
Photo from this morning at 6:30 

Despite the city's endless bureaucracy, East Village residents continue to aid asylum seekers at the former St. Brigid School

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

Last week, EVG reader (and parent of Miss Kita the Wonder Dog) Jose Garcia messaged the site and offered to do a Costco run with his husband to purchase supplies for the asylum seekers temporarily housed at the former St. Brigid School

So the three of us (Kita stayed home) spent this past Sunday afternoon trying to find inexpensive sandals, shoes, T-shirts, underwear, and socks at the 125th Street Costco location.
Upon returning to the school on Seventh Street and Avenue B with our newly purchased supplies, we started handing them to grateful asylum seekers outside. We didn't have enough for everyone, and I promised we'd return on the next distribution day.

At that point, Sunday's site supervisor came out and yelled at me, "You can't do this! You just can't do this! You have to stop!" The previous clothing drive had ongoing issues: fights between city employees and the state Assemblymember's office that led to someone calling the police. And problems working with all the different abbreviated groups inside the center: OEM, NYCEM, MedRite and the Mayor's Office. 

There isn't a clear chain of command and no transparency. Despite clear and visible proof that the city needs help, they do not appear keen on accepting it. Some site staffers report being reprimanded for accepting donations or assisting with providing aid.

Signs went up at the center announcing that visitors and donations (not to mention weapons) were not permitted inside the school.
Tuesday's distribution ran more smoothly, primarily due to cooperation carefully forged and negotiated with the new MedRite site supervisor and a team of East Village volunteers who spent some sweaty hours sorting clothes and supplies and helping distribute them to those in need.
There was also an assist from some hired security team members from inside the center and help from the refugees themselves. 

It was a successful event, and people could source most of what was needed. I was told there were 237 people inside at the time of distribution (maximum capacity is 350), and I guestimate we saw about 150 of them in line for supplies.

During Tuesday's volunteer distribution, NYC Mesh and Verizon both showed up (again), offering free Wi-Fi installation for the site — a crucial need for the asylum seekers eager to be able to contact loved ones. But the NYC Mesh and Verizon reps were turned away (again), with officials citing something about "proper procedure" and a need for authorization. 

However, it's unclear just who authorizes this (or anything) at this respite center. A rep from the city's IT team was onsite as a volunteer, and she is trying some outreach, and we are trying to establish a pipeline with the Mayor's Office. Meanwhile, Father Seán Connolly from St. Brigid's/St. Emeric on Avenue B and Eighth Street wrote a letter requesting access to install equipment.
Everyone remains persistent and optimistic, but the endless bureaucracy and lack of transparency or assistance wear people down. 

An official "from immigration" was onsite Tuesday asking asylum seekers in line if they want to be sent to Albany or points north with the same offer as before (housing, beds, a shower, working papers and a job). However, word is spreading that this may not be factual. I didn't see anyone taking them up on the offer. 

We had supplies left over that were slated for the Police Academy Gym site on 21st Street (another local Respite Center). Still, we couldn't get any cooperation between that site supervisor or workers at the location. Officers from the 9th Precinct tried to assist with the delivery, but they, too, were rebuffed. After several frantic calls, we found a home for the donated items at the Delancey Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church on Forsyth Street, which will pass them on to the unhoused locals they work with.

If you’d like to donate or volunteer, another drive is scheduled today (June 8) from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Please just show up at 107 Avenue B at Seventh Street to volunteer or to drop off selected merchandise: men's pants, shorts, and sweats are especially in need. And, as always, chancletas in all sizes. New boxers-briefs, backpacks, and jackets/sweaters are also highly requested.

While volunteers are needed to sort the new donations at 107 Avenue B, there may not be an outdoor distribution if the smoky conditions remain. 
Future drop-off date: Tuesday, June 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Previously on EV Grieve

The East Village New Deli returns without the deli

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

After nearly a two-week closure, the East Village New Deli has reopened at 115 Avenue A between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place.

The space has been renovated, and the deli counter is no more. (Counter staff Joe and Munch are now working a few doors to the north at Avenue A Deli and Grill.) 

The focus now is on the usual quick-stop market items like water, soda, beer, snacks, etc.
Management also mentioned that they have three years left on the lease for the storefront.