Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Domino Sugar Refinery gets a SMART addition

Last week we posted some photos courtesy of Luna Park on the epic bombing at the Domino Sugar Refinery...

There has been more activity north of the Williamsburg Bridge of late.... The following photo was sent to me by the The Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG)...

The GFOEVG sent us to the above photo taken by Sabeth718.... The shot (and many many more amazing graffiti photos) can be found on Sabeth718's Flickr page. Access that here. (and thanks to Sabeth718 for permission to post.)

Previously on EV Grieve:
Bombing the Domino Sugar Refinery

Zerza owner discusses his intentions for new Avenue B space

Yesterday, we posted an item about Zerza moving from East Sixth Street to the former Carne Vale space on Avenue B ... the owner left a comment on the post last night, and it sounds as if he is a good neighbor...

My name is Radouane and I came to the United States in 1994 as part of the Walt Disney World college program. I enjoyed working at the Moroccan Pavilion at Disney’s Epcot Center in Orlando and sharing my culture with visitors was very much an enjoyable experience so the idea of opening a restaurant to became one of my goals.

In 1997 I was hired by the Plaza Hotel on 59th street and 5th Ave. I was the guest relations manager there, handling the Hotel’s VIP guests and its distinguished visitors. All along I never let go of the idea to open a restaurant so I started taking classes in entrepreneurial management, I secured a loan and I quit my job in 2003 to take the plunge!

In order to make the restaurant experience complete and more authentic, my mother, a talented chef, accepted my invitation and came from Morocco to be part of Zerza and till this day she has been the real magic behind it!
I am proud to say that for the past 7 years we have been operating Zerza, we never had a complaint from any neighbor. We strive to operate the restaurant in the highest standards of hospitality.

Fresh, authentic Moroccan home cooking has always been our first and foremost focus. Yes we did have belly dancing in the past (on Friday and Saturday for 15 minutes) but since I was never a fan of that I decided to stop it a very long time ago. After all belly dancing is not really part of the Moroccan culture! I don’t believe there is any mention of the belly dancing on our web site: www.zerza.com.

We are absolutely not about hookahs and we stopped serving it a long time ago, we had a few exceptions every once in a while for a few guests who requested it after their dinner just so they can try it. Hookahs are definitely not our draw. Many times we get customers who walk in asking if we serve hookahs but we just direct them to a hookah bar in the area.

Now you might ask why Ave B and here is the answer: Our current location is tiny, narrow and high rent! The location we are after on Ave B offers more space at a very reasonable rent! It is not going to be as big as you might previously know it: The landlord has taken half of the space and is turning it to an apartment, so it is going to be smaller but still better for us than the current space that we occupy.

I hope this gave you an idea of Zerza and its story. I hope we get a chance to show you that we will be a positive addition to your neighborhood.

Zerza is on Facebook! Please take a look at some of the guest’s interactions to get a better idea about. Also you are welcome to come and see us now at 308 East 6th street and judge for yourself.

Hey Gorilla Coffee staff -- a new East Village coffee shop wants to hire you

Well, it seems as if the news on this got going Friday with a tweet from 13th Street's Everyman Espresso (@EverymanNY) and then reported on by the good people at Fucked in Park Slope and Sprudge ... on Friday, just about the entire staff at Park Slope fave Gorilla Coffee resigned... (You can read more about it in Diner's Journal)

Anyway, late yesterday afternoon, our friends at East Village Feed picked up the following Craigslist posting:

Seeking former Gorilla Coffee employees (East Village)


Seeking former Gorilla Coffee baristas/roasters/coffee-house employees we are looking for you!

A brand new establishment in the heart of the East Village promising to pay top dollar to former employees of Gorilla Coffee (in Park Slope).

We would love to offer you a new opportunity at a new coffee house which promises fair management.

Please respond with a resume as well as the time period that you were employed at Gorilla.

Well, we're not aware of any new coffee shops opening anytime soon in the "heart of the East Village..." though there are several places under wraps that we have our eyes on... So, point being, this could be a fake, of course...

Oops. We totally forgot about the Film Academy Cafe opening in the former Astor Place Starbucks East location... Per a reader, those help wanted signs are now up there...

Cooper Union picture perfect to help sell 18 wheelers

On Sunday morning, we came across this tractor-trailer rig-a-ma-jig parked in the middle of Cooper Square at Seventh Street. A police car sat behind it. We were thinking it was some kind of bust. (Though if this was the case, there would have been about 500 police cars, helicopters...)

Then we spotted three-four men with cameras up on the west side of Cooper Square... A police office was standing with them as the group took photos of the parked truck....The newish Cooper Square was serving as a backdrop for the truck....

We asked the officer on duty if this was a photo shoot for a truck ad. He said something rather sarcastic like "yeah, how did you ever guess?"

After more photos (trucks are so hard to work with! The demands!) The truck and the police car moved on...

First a Cadillac TV spot and now an 18-wheeler print ad ... And who says the Coop isn't a model building?

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Coop and the Caddy

Xunta space to become Nine

Xunta, the former Spanish tapas joint at 174 First Avenue near 11th Street, closed last October... Work on the space continues... and EV Grieve reader Eric learned that the new tenant will be a ... Spanish Tapas place called Nine. And the new owners are on the docket at next Monday's CB3/SLA meeting...(And the Girls That Spit graffiti on the gate has already been removed...)

Stop Work orders issued at former hookah hotspot

We pointed out last week that illegal work was being done at the former Layaly space at 98 Avenue B.... On Saturday, we spotted the work continuing...

... and on Sunday, the city placed a "stop work order" on the property....


Previously on EV Grieve:
A rebirth of hookah hotspot Layaly?

Mikey's Pet Shop for rent

Last fall, we covered the saga of Mikey's Pet Shop on Seventh Street near Avenue A... the shop eventually closed...

At the time, some readers and Mikey's patrons passed along several tidbits....one reader said that she was told a nail salon is already in place to take over the store... and that Mikey's had to close because the landlord was reportedly raising the rent to $20,000 a month.

A "for rent" sign is now out front....

According to the listing:

Approx 600 SF


Available Immediately

Available for any use as per Zoning

So no nail salon — yet. It will cost a bundle to turn this place into any kind of eatery...but that's my guess now...something to complement Butter Lane, Porchetta and The Bourgeois Pig on this stretch of Seventh Street between First Avenue and Avenue A....

Previously on EV Grieve:
Mikey's Pet Shop closing at the end of the month

Action at the former Cookout Gill, where vandals beheaded their mascot

Next door to the new Tallgrass Burger ... something is going into the former Cookout Grill... We haven't heard what just yet. But from the looks of things, there's a way to go...

Hope they hurry, though: We just can't take the sight of beheaded restaurant mascots much longer... of course, this was the worst restaurant mascot in restaurant mascot history...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Another cartoon beheading in the East Village

Monday, April 12, 2010

The inevitable iPad backlash

Surprised this wasn't done sooner. On St. Mark's near First Avenue.

Are the "bad old days" here again...again?

From the Times:

It is impossible to know if the recent increase in violent crime in the city is legitimate cause for concern that the “bad old days” of crime may return, or if it simply represents a blip in a trend line continuing a descent of nearly two decades.

Homicides are up nearly 22 percent in 2010, compared with the same period last year. Shootings are up in the city, to 293 from 257, a 14 percent increase. And there are more victims of gunfire: 351 through April 4, up from 318 in the same period a year ago.

But it is not statistics, but rather the tenor and pace of 2010’s spasm of disorder that are suggestive of a bygone era, and have again raised questions about whether New York City is finally at the end of crime declines.

Read the whole article here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Trend alert! The bad old days are here again!

We're No. 10!

New York's cover story this week is on The Most Livable Neighborhoods in New York ... and it should provide plenty of discussion ... the editors have created this quantitative index (below) of the most satisfying places to live in... and the East Village finishes... No. 10! Here's there explanation:

The neighborhood with the highest concentration of bars in the city (if not the world) scores off the charts in all the expected areas: retail diversity, restaurant density, proximity to nightlife, and desirability to the creative classes, with only schools and affordability truly lacking. With a typical two-bedroom running at about $3,300 per month, it’s expensive. But thanks to nearby NYU, the East Village has more income and ethnic diversity than most of its neighbors.

So the East Village is No. 1 in bars/nightlife... and 49th out of 50 for housing cost? Surprised?

Overall, Park Slope is No. 1 while those LES upstarts (heh) are No. 2. Read the whole thing here.

Graceland is closing in the next 10 days

Last Thursday we reported that Graceland, the corner deli on Avenue A and Second Street, is going to be forced to close because the landlord wants a substantial rent hike.

Several EV Grieve readers who shop at Graceland, which opened here in 1991 with a $4,000 monthly rent, got confirmation of the closing this past weekend.

Per EV Grieve reader Ryan:
Talked to people at Graceland last night and they confirmed the landlord was asking for a 35%+ raise on rent. I'll be really pissed ... there's a lot of fun characters that work there, and with the continued storefront wasteland of Avenue A, who knows what we'll get in there, if anything.

And EV Grieve frequent commenter BaHa, who also blogs at With Leftovers, was told by a worker on Friday that Graceland closes in 10 days. The Graceland employee said they clear about $800 a day... "so, with a rent increase to $20K, they didn't have much choice. We were both choking up a bit."

This New York magazine feature from 2005 has more about Graceland's owner, Grace Dancyger.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Nicky's staying in the East Village; Graceland moving out?