Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On second thought: No to the fishmonger for Avenue A

At the April CB3/SLA meeting, the committee approved a full-liquor license (within a resolution area) for Keith Masco's seafood market/restaurant/high-end cocktail bar at 171 Avenue A.

As you'll recall, Masco will sell fresh fish in the front of the space during the day ... with room for 48 diners in the back along with a bar selling specialty cocktails. He also has plans to utilize the 400-square-foot garden in the back. (Forgot to mention what the place would be called: Sea on A.)

However, the full CB3 rejected the plans. So it was back to the CB3/SLA last night ... and Masco returned with more signatures of support... and he said he will expand his retail counter from 9 feet to 15 feet to show that he will be a retail operation, selling fresh fish from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Again, while people generally like the idea of a fishmonger in the neighborhood, the opposition remains... residents do not want another liquor license on this section of Avenue A. There are now six of nine storefronts on Avenue A between 10th Street and 11th Street that sell beer, wine or liquor. This would make seven. One longtime resident spoke about the importance of having retail diversity, not just bars and restaurants. The density of bars is creating an unhealthy balance in the neighborhood.

Michael Rosen, a founder of the East Village Community Coalition, was also on hand to speak out against another liquor license. He discussed how the saturation of bars changes the nature of the community.

There were petitions with signatures for and against the application. People spoke passionately for and against the application.

In the end, the committee rejected Masco's application after approving it two months earlier.

Previously on EV Grieve:
CB3/SLA highlights: Avenue A fishmonger approved; Michael Huynh's DOB rejected

Also! Gaelic gastro pub OK'd for Avenue A

Last night's CB3/SLA Licensing Committee meeting seemed longer than usual... by 10 p.m., the group had gotten through four of the 30-plus items on the agenda...

There were a few last-minute scratches, including:

26. Spitzer's Corner (LES Gastro LLC), 101 Rivington St (trans/op) (NYLA Cafe LLC)

However, we did hear the presentation for Percy's Tavern, a "Gaelic gastro pub" that was OK'd to take over the Al Diwan space at 13th Street and Avenue A. The Percy's folks were turned down last month...However, they returned with a stronger concept and better community outreach. The owner, Larry Watson, has lived in the East Village for 25 years, arriving here in 1986 to work as a building super on 11th Street and Second Avenue... We'll have more on Percy's later...

Mosaic Man rebuilding on Sixth Street and Second Avenue

Two weeks ago, we were wondering if the Mosiac Man was calling it quits on refurbishing his mosiac trail around the neighborhood... as this note spotted last evening on the sidewalk at Second Avenue and Sixth Street would indicate, he's planning on rebuilding, though he could use some financial assistance...

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the Mosaic Man removing his mosaics

Mosaic removal on St. Mark's Place?

Another Housing Court meeting for Whitehouse Hotel tenants

Previously on EV Grieve:
More tenant meetings for White House residents; plus the bed bugs will be exterminated

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hello from tonight's CB3/SLA meeting!

After taking nearly 140 minutes to get through the first two items on tonight's agenda, CB3/SLA committee member David McWater noted that, at this rate, the meeting will last more than 31 hours.

See you Wednesday afternoon!

East Village getting a 60,000- to 70,000-square-foot residential building?

Yowza... a reader just sent along a Q-and-A from the Times with developer Donald Capoccia, a managing principal and founder of BFC Partners, whose projects include the monstrosities Toren in downtown Brooklyn and Schaefer Landing, a three-building waterfront complex in Williamsburg.

This is the passage that we Yowza'd about:

Q. What else is in the pipeline?

A. We have an East Village property. It’s going to be a 60,000- to 70,000-square-foot building. We’re also looking at a hotel deal in Kennedy Airport — this would be our first hotel. Kennedy, believe it or not, does not have any hotels that offer significant conference space.

Whoa! What? Where?!

To be continued....

Lost City tribute

As you may know, Brooks of Sheffield is retiring from active duty at his excellent Lost City blog. You can read his farewell here.

Jeremiah's Vanishing New York, Neither More Nor Less and Lost City served as part of my inspiration for launching EV Grieve in December 2007.

Now, two of those sites have called it a day... All this has made me think about my own blog mortality.

[Moment of silence]

Anyway! Meanwhile, I think I'll apply for a liquor license with a sidewalk cafe.

As a tribute to a lost and vanishing part of the city ... I revisited a post of mine from November 2008 ... Here's Donohue's Steak House, 845 Lexington Ave. near 64th Street, which opened in 1950... an-all-too-rare classic that's still open....

Previously on EV Grieve:
The timeless appeal of Donohue's Steak House

A few scenes from the first weekend of the World Cup

As I exclusively reported, the 2010 World Cup started last Friday... and, even if you weren't interested in the games, you likely happened upon some kind of soccer-inspired scene in the East Village...

Starting with the World Cup Capital, Nevada Smith's... where a police officer was watching the line entering for the Argentina-Nigeria match...

Outside Zum Schnieder on Avenue C and Seventh Street before the start of the Germany-Australia match yesterday afternoon... line stretched halfway down the block...

Outside Karma on First Avenue near Fourth Street on Friday ... where Uruguay fans/citizens might want to talk to whomever created the chalkboard sign...


On St. Mark's Place... after South Korea's 2-0 victory over Greece...

Meanwhile, thanks to EV Grieve reader Blue Glass for the following photos... Blue Glass was walking on Third Avenue prior to the start of the U.S.-England match, and witnessed the crowds waiting to get into Nevada Smith's and the Village Pourhouse on Saturday afternoon ... (good thing Third Avenue was blocked off for the street festival...)

New vegan cafe for Avenue B

A new vegan cafe called The Little Bird opened last Wednesday on Avenue B near 11th Street (at the former Panache Cafe)...

I asked proprietor Joanna Troccoli via e-mail what people can expect here...
"As for now it is just the vegan baked treats, coffee and teas. I make everything in the back. All the cookies, granola, and treats are vegan."

This is the first commercial outlet for Troccoli, who runs The Little Bird with her sister and brother-in-law. "But I have been wholesaling the cookies to local stores like Earth Matters, Liquiteria, Jack's Coffee, Gimme! Coffee and Kula Yoga."

She'll expand the menu in the coming weeks to include small plates of vegan fare. "We are also working on getting a beer and wine license to serve ORGANIC beer and wine," she said. "But that is in the future!"

Another month, another Superdive scratch; Plus, Avenue A bars give it another go tonight

Once again, Superdive was on the agenda for the CB3/SLA meeting... to transfer their license, etc. This makes four consecutive months that they've bowed out of the meeting ...

Meanwhile tonight... the bars who were rejected at last month's meeting on the northern part of Avenue A are all back on the docket...

Renewal with Complaint History
Forbidden City (Lo-Eng Inc), 212 Ave A (op)

Applications within Resolution Areas
Percy's (Steelbar 180 Inc), 210-212 Ave A (op) (Al Diwan)

MBM Lounge Inc, 212 Ave A (trans/op) (Forbidden City)

And another scratch...
Jay Cox Coal, 503-505 E 12th St (trans/op)... This is the former Mundial/Totem space...

I'm also not aware of any community outreach by these establishments since the last meeting...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Last night's CB3 recap: Residents 1, Bar Owners 0

New Grassroots sign is MIA

Just last week we pointed out the new sign for the Grassroots...

And, well, now it's gone... dunno if it was stolen... or there's some other logical explanation...

East Village eatery odds-and-ends

Think Coffee on Fourth Avenue namechecks Jack Tripper's favorite bar ...

Signage for the new tapas space is up at the old home of Xunta on First Avenue...

More beer specials at the Neptune...

Rico, the hookah bar on Avenue C between Ninth Street and 10th Street, is really closed now...

Caffe Buon Gusto is still looking for that sidewalk application even though they don't have a liquor license... I didn't notice this sign posted until after the hearing... one nearby resident believes the sign didn't go up until the day of the hearing ...