Sunday, November 18, 2012

A benefit to help rebuild fire-damaged East Yoga tonight

From the EV Grieve inbox...

Join the Rise of East Yoga!

East Yoga, our close-knit neighborhood sanctuary, suffered a debilitating fire on November 4th. Since then, the outpouring of support we’ve received has been inspirational, and we are forever grateful to everyone who has helped so far. But there is still much more to do. Here's how you can get involved in the remaking of our community:

Benefit for East Yoga @ Pouring Ribbons
Sunday, November 18th, 6 pm – Close
225 Avenue B (Second Floor)

We will hold a silent auction featuring everything from homemade scarves to Adirondack getaways. At least 10% of all food and drink sales will be donated to East Yoga's rebuilding efforts.

Note: There’s still plenty of room in the silent auction, so if you have a special skill, service, talent or product you’d like to donate, please contact us at with the subject line “Silent Auction Help.”

Fundraising Campaign
We need to meet our $10,000 goal by December 9th to cover expenses related to the fire. Click here to donate through our partners at Lucky Ant. Any amount helps, and we’re offering free classes to reward your generosity!

Attend Classes
We’re holding classes at various temporary locations, including Alphabet City Sanctuary. Check our schedule for the latest updates.

Donate Skills
We are in particular need of legal services and real estate assistance. If anyone skilled in these areas can offer advice/reduced rates, please contact us at with the subject line “Donating Skills.”

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Fire at East Yoga on East 13th Street and Avenue B

A Sample Sale Extravaganza at the Neighborhood School today

From the EV Grieve inbox...


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy days are here again...

Avenue A tonight ... via Shawn Chittle...

Cleaning up El Jardín del Paraíso

EVG reader Ileana sent us these photos this morning... a crew is at El Jardín del Paraíso trimming and chipping the fallen trees here on East Fourth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D...

Meanwhile, people are wondering how the garden's turkey died after the storm... several readers spotted the turkey on Oct. 30...

Breaking: Famous 99-cent Pizza arriving on East 14th Street; $1 slice in jeopardy?

Whoa! @THIEVERYCORP72 just snapped this photo of a Famous 99-cent Pizza sign arriving on East 14th Street ... at the former Desi Roti and near the World Famous Peter Stuyvesant Post Office branch.

Your move, Joey Pepperoni...

And the Twinkies shortage begins on Avenue A

Given the closure of Hostess yesterday... Twinkies are hard to find, based on looking at one single shop ... Shawn Chittle checked in here at Poppy's on Avenue A and East 12th Street. All gone! But hurry — the Hostess Cup Cakes are still there... But for how long?

Rusty is missing

Spotted on First Avenue and East 13th Street.

Load OUT! today on East 3rd St.; 'a reuse & repurposing riot'

From the EV Grieve inbox..

Load OUT! a Reuse & Repurposing Riot Plus Community Coat Drive

Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, 11AM-3PM

On Saturday, November 17, 2012, FABnyc will gather gently used materials from donors throughout the East Village/Lower East Side for Load OUT!, a one-of-a-kind reuse and repurposing event that showcases creative thinking about sustainability and the arts. Load OUT! will take place at 19 East 3rd Street (between the Bowery and Second Avenue) from 11AM-3PM.

At Load OUT!, attendees are invited to take home any materials they need for their next creative endeavor, free of charge. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared with bags, rolling carts, tape, and string to make carrying away items easier. Items available at this year's Load OUT! event include:

* Lumber
* Stacking chairs
* Furniture
* Hard hats
* Sampling jars
* Costumes

Attendees are encouraged to bring textile and e-waste for an onsite collection.

A full list of accepted items for collection may be found here.

Gently used coats will also be accepted in a drive for New York Cares. All coats will be sent to New York Cares for distribution to the homeless and those in need.

OurGoods will also be onsite at 19 E. 3rd Street hosting a live barter meetup, along with participatory Barter 101 workshops taking place at 11:30AM, 12:30PM, and 1:30PM. Barter activities will encourage attendees to find new, exciting ways to share resources with one another in an increasingly difficult creative economy.

FREE admission for artists, art students, and local residents affected by the storm
$5 admission for the general public

[Photo from last year's event Whitney Browne]

Friday, November 16, 2012

East Village of the Damned

[Photo on Avenue A last night via Shawn Chittle]

Nowhere to Run?

I was reminded of this video of "Run and Run" by the Psychedelic Furs circa 1982 thanks to Alex at Flaming Pablum ... where, this week, he posted music videos from a few years back that were filmed around these parts of the city...

Amaran is closing on Avenue B

Multiple readers have passed along word that Amaran is closing on Avenue B... Bride of 7th hears that the store that specializes in imported home goods will remain open through Dec. 25...

Meanwhile, here's the store back in May 2010...

Movie benefit for MoRUS tomorrow night

From the EV Grieve inbox... there's a movie benefit tomorrow night for the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS), which suffered damages to its basement on Avenue C during Hurricane Sandy....

Who Bombed Judi Bari? chronicles a great, unsolved mystery: who, on May 24, 1990, tried to assassinate one of the most prominent environmental organizers of her day, Judi Bari. Bari, an environmentalist and member of Earth First!, and her eco-cohort Darryl Cherney were car-bombed in Oakland in 1990 while in the middle of a speaking and concert tour promoting Redwood Summer, a campaign against corporate liquidation logging. Despite receiving dozens of death threats, Bari and Cherney were arrested by the FBI and Oakland Police for the incident. The pair went on to sue the authorities for civil rights violations, winning four million dollars, though not before Bari died of cancer seven years after surviving the crippling bombing.

Producer Darryl Cherney and director Mary Liz Thomson will be in attendance. A Q&A will follow the screening.

MoRUS is currently making repairs and will hold its official grand opening on Saturday, December 8th.

Saturday, November 17 @ 8PM
Quad Cinema
34 W. 13th Street, NYC
Tickets $10, proceeds benefit MoRUS