Thursday, July 16, 2015

[Updated] Russian Souvenirs is no more on East 14th Street

One of the more unique shops around has apparently closed. An EVG reader reported that the shop on East 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue was cleaned out on Monday.

EVG East 14th Street/IHOP Way correspondent Pinch confirmed that the shop now mostly sits empty.

Unfortunately, we have no idea why the store closed. Rent hike? A retirement? (The owner, the rather cantankerous Alex Bogatyr, is up in his years.) The market for Russian knickknacks waning?

The store has been around for years. Jeremiah Moss wrote about the shop back in 2009:

The walls are covered with paintings of dour-faced bearded men, sunsets, and lonely forests. In the back, there are racks and racks of clothing and fabrics. And all around, everywhere you look, the shelves are stacked high with tchochkes.


If you do decide to shop here, be ready to bargain. Alex is a haggler, and he's a serious man. A professional who knows his wares, he will not give you service with a smile, nor with a sneer. This is old Leningrad on 14th Street, not Bed, Bath, & Beyond where the robotic staff are programmed to utter a monotoned hello to you every five seconds.

Updated 5:53 p.m.

From the comments… author Romy Ashby stopped by …

"I went in to visit with him yesterday at about 5 PM. He was having a sandwich and we talked. He said that a rent hike is the reason he's leaving. He had me write my name and number in a notebook full of names and numbers, and he said he will call if he finds another place."

Openings: T-swirl Crêpes on East 14th Street, KavasutrA on East 10th Street

A few recent openings...


The T-swirl Crêpe shop has opened at 247 E. 14th St. between Second Avenue and Third Avenue, reports EVG T-swirl Crêpe correspondent Pinch. Per their description: "T-swirl crêpe makes Japanese style sweet and salad crêpes by hand using our secret recipes and tasty fillings."


The South Florida-based KavasutrA opened its kava bar Tuesday at 261 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

The bar is open 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. seven days a week, per the KavasutrA website.


Sexyflow is now open at 205 Avenue A. The hair salon is in the retail space of Icon Realty's recently expanded residential building here between East 12th Street and East 13th Street.

Free tonight in Tompkins Square Park: 'The Pink Panther'

Tonight's free movie is "The Pink Panther" (the original from 1963) with Peter Sellers and David Niven...

Rockabilly artists Shiro & The Raw Dogs will play a set before the film. Gates open at 6 p.m., music starts at 7 p.m., and the movies starts at sundown. You can head to the Films in Tompkins Facebook page for any updates. Like rain.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Maybe renting that place on 3rd Avenue isn't such a bad idea after all

We picked this up from Curbed:

New data published in Science shows that if the planet warms by 2 degrees Celsius, sea levels will rise about 20 feet. It's pretty much a given that this will happen, it's just a matter of when — it could be by the end of the century.


In New York, it means that entire neighborhoods would be wiped out and 1.8 million people would be displaced.

And if/when this happens, the water will wash over a good part of this neighborhood... west to First Avenue in spots... south to Avenue A around East Fourth Street...

[Click to go big]

If this helps...

City officials today hinted that the rising sea levels will push back the completion date of the East Houston Reconstruction Project by 27 years.

Anyway, you can find the full report here at Science. And read more here at Gizmodo.

Extra police and media foot patrols in Tompkins Square Park

Tompkins Square Parkgoers today noted an extra NYPD presence… not to mention reporters...

Per Dave on 7th, who took these photos: "Well, thanks to the New York Post we've got cops doing foot patrols and being shadowed by more reporters looking for stories and finding none."

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Post reports Tompkins Square Park 'has become a homeless haven' (105 comments)

Observer editors write, 'it's time to take back Tompkins Square Park'

After recent complaints, city vows to crack down on stuffed lions in Tompkins Square Park

Look for the story in the Post tomorrow.

Photo today by Derek Berg


Out and About in the East Village

In this weekly feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Maurice Whitaker and Laura K. Reich (Lulu)
Occupation: VolaVida Gallery
Location: 240 E. 4th Street (off Avenue B)
Time: 2:30 pm on Monday, July 13

Maurice: I was born and raised in Brooklyn but I’ve lived in Manhattan pretty much my entire adult life. I spent a lot of time around the neighborhood with friends who grew up around here.

I used to be a graffiti artist back in the 1980s. I started my graffiti in 1982 and I did it until ’87 or ’88. Maybe on a scale of one to 10, I was a four or five. I was just connected to a lot of bigger artists and I got around. But I’ve always been an artist. I’ve been a graphic designer, digital artists, I’ve worked in music, fashion, television, and even just doing art.

The best experience is being in a train yard though. During that time I used to go to the Bronx — not too much because back then New York was pretty divided. You couldn’t really just go to the Bronx. You’d have to stay local. But I’ve been to Queens, Jamaica Yards, the Ghostyards in the Bronx, 207 [Street Train yard], all of them. You don’t realize how big trains are until you’re in a train yard and see that the bottom of the door is right here on your face. You don’t realize it because you usually see the trains on the platform. And the trains make noises even when they’re not moving. It’s very intimidating.

Lulu: I’ve lived here in the neighborhood for about 10 years, but I’m from the Chicago suburbs. I came when I was around 24. Fashion brought me to the city. I was one of those girls who came out with the dreams of fashion and I actually did pretty well. I worked in jewelry for lots of designers, and then I decided that I needed a little break. There are a lot of interesting people in the luxury world and a lot of beautiful products, but creativity-wise it just seemed like a lot of it was very mass market and I missed art.

I fell into this. I have to say part of the influence - one of my older brothers is into street art and blogs for Street Art News in Chicago. He’s always pushing me to go to events and things like that. I had dabbled in digital advertising job and I was miserable. I was on a computer all day, no contact with people, and putting up ads. It was not for me.

I’m also like an insomniac, so I would go and walk around at night and all I saw was the art and it meant a lot to me. Then I started going to these shows. It turned out to be the warmest community. It was so diverse and welcoming and it had been at a time when my family had moved out of the country. I felt so alone and these people were so amazing and talented that I wanted to go to every one of their shows. I wanted to help them any way that I could. So when people started asking if I could work with them, I was like ‘Ah, I don’t know, I have this corporate job and I’m not sure if I’d have the time to dedicate to you. I’m not sure.’ And then Mo approached me and it just fell into place and it’s been really gratifying.

I’m a street art nerd. I also have to say that I waited for my apartment for five years, not because of the size of the apartment but because I have a teeny tiny yard but there’s a Chico mural there. That’s the best part of the apartment.

M: VolaVida started in August of last year as a popup gallery. For years a friend of mine was working in a gallery in Chelsea and I just liked it; I liked the idea of selling art. I believe in art. I believe in what it can do for people and I decided to just roll with it. We did a couple shows in Chelsea and then I started doing it at the Cherry Tavern. No one feels intimidated in a dive bar. You come in and have a $3 beer and maybe buy some art. It turned out that we were actually successful. I didn’t expect it to be. The first show we did there we sold three pieces. I was like, ‘Whoa.’

I met Lulu and we just connected and we had the opportunity to get this space and we took it. Doing only the popups is just too much pressure to sell something in one night. If you have a one-day show, not everyone can show up on a Thursday or Friday night. But if you have seven days or 14 days to run a show, and actually having a brick and mortar place to go to everyday and have people walk in, you have the opportunity to sell more.

L: And you can develop a clientele and meet the whole neighborhood. This neighborhood has been really friendly and supportive. People look in and they recognize an artist that they see on the street and we’re able to educate them about these elements that are within their environment everyday that they wonder about. We have that information behind it. We’re also always looking for the next show or thing that we’re working on to setup within other spaces, which we’ll still do. We want to do bigger events and spread VolaVida’s artists beyond here, but to have this space has been extremely productive.

We have an extensive collection of art and artists that we’re working with. We have FLOOD, who did the anti-Bill Cosby campaign. And there's Wane, who I was so excited about. He does the graffiti on the trucks. He actually just walked in here one day and I couldn’t believe it. Christian Hooker also did a piece here. The title of it is The Paramount of Global Destruction Will Be Televised. He actually worked on a found oil painting and reworked it and created a whole frame and all of the detail was handmade. He does amazing things with wood and canvas. He actually made these benches for us — the actual nice furniture in here.

We’re also showing the debut of DEBT, who’s a local graffiti artist. I think that’s another important part of our gallery. We are getting people in who are aspiring to be in the galleries but do not feel comfortable going into these places. We want people to come and know they can hang out. Look around and talk — ask us questions about the artists.

M: We also have a Bansky and a Space Invader now. The Banksy was part of his installation on Ludlow Street and the Space Invader is from 176 Delancey from a building that was going to be knocked down. Those items were salvaged by two people. The Space Invader was anonymous and the Banksy was taken by ClockWork Cros, who does the face clocks — the clocks in Mikey Likes It. He lives down the block. A portion of the proceeds of the sale will go to GOLES. Technically it isn’t our stuff or the people who took it. It was put there for the public display of art. But we feel like people should benefit from it because it’s worth a lot of money. It’s my belief about sharing.

L: It’s very generous of the people who provided the pieces to us. They could definitely sell them on their own but they are giving us the opportunity to support our cause of supporting street artists. GOLES supports low-income families. They are helping maintain the culture of the neighborhood.

M: The street art community is an entire world. When the lights go off and these guys come out. There’s a whole world and a whole mindset behind it. They have their own social scene. We’re just spreading the word in terms of de-stigmatising street art and graffiti. I like to use the word urban expressionism, because it’s really just what it is. Street art is just a part of urban expressionism. There are definitely some vandals ruining property but there are also a lot of people who we’re working with who want to beautify the city. There are so many walls that are empty – why not make them look better? We’re going around the neighborhood asking people if they want their gates or their walls painted because they can make some really awesome murals, so if anyone’s interested send them our way.

L: We have pieces from $25 and up. We try to have something that everyone can afford. We just meet more and more artists and friends and street art nerds like myself. It just shows how much the art around us makes a difference in where we live. These artists put their heart in it. They do it for the love of art and people.

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Avenue A is for [construction] Action

Work commenced last Wednesday at the former Mary Help of Christians property along Avenue A between East 11th Street and East 12th Street.

As you've likely noticed, Avenue A between East Sixth Street and East 14th Street is becoming an now an active construction zone. Let's tally it up...

98-100 Avenue A between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street

Work continues on Ben Shaoul's 8-story retail-residential complex ... a project already two years in the making...

438 E. 12th St. (aka 181 Avenue A)

The new plywood and renewed construction activity arrived last week where the Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory once stood ... where there will be a 6-floor mixed-use building with ground-floor retail and 82 market-rate condos via developer Douglas Steiner.

The rendering on the plywood notes that the project will be completed in August 2017...

500 E. 14th St. at Avenue A

We're two months into the digging and pile-driving here ... the site will yield a 7-floor retail-residential building via Extell Development.

Bonus construction!

Whatever these guys have been doing at East 13th Street in recent months.

Ditto for the wall renovation at the East Side Community School on East 12th Street.


Avenue A and surrounding side streets should get even more construction at the former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office on East 14th Street. Plans are calling for an 8-story residential building with ground-floor retail here just west of Avenue A. In addition, there are two 6-story condos coming to East 13th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue.

So Avenue A is for...

Observer editors write, 'it's time to take back Tompkins Square Park'

In an article published last Friday, the Post noted that there are people sleeping in Tompkins Square Park, calling it a "homeless haven" ... one unnamed parks worker said that the place is "riddled with bums who have drug problems."

The Park is receiving more attention this week in an editorial signed by the Editors at The Observer titled "Take Back Tompkins Square Park. And New York City."

Here's an excerpt:

Tompkins Square Park has been an accurate barometer of where the city is headed. Known for decades as “Needle Park,” its disarray and lawlessness reflected a dysfunctional, ungovernable city. The restoration of its beauty over the last 20 years has heralded an era where residents and a vibrant collection of small businesses near the park — is there a single better food in all of New York City than the jalapeno cheddar cream cheese at Tompkins Square Bagels? — have thrived. Let’s not let that progress slip through our fingers.

This week, members of the Observer editorial board visited the park. It was a gorgeous summer day and workers were sweeping up, dogs were playing, a small group was practicing Falun Gong, men were playing chess. And at least six people were sleeping on cardboard boxes on the lawn. One park worker, Nelsy, told the Observer that Police Commissioner Bill Bratton personally visited the park on Monday. Perhaps he was inspired by the Post story to take a look and if so, we applaud his leadership. But it will take more than a visit. The city needs a strategy and the determination to stick with it.

It’s time to take back Tompkins Square Park and beyond. Before it’s too late.

The piece quotes an EVG commenter (one of 105 on our post on the article) who wrote, in part: "There are junkies, most of whom are men, passed out, sleeping, without shoes, often waking up and screaming. Some of them talk to themselves and have incoherent conversations."

To which the Observer responded: "It may not be violent criminal behavior at first, but the cancer of lawlessness will metastasize. It will get worse."

Read the whole piece in The Observer here.

By the way, Observer publisher Jared Kushner owns upwards of 30 walk-up buildings in the East Village, including 165 Avenue A, home of Tompkins Square Bagels.

As for Bratton's visit, we heard from a reader that the NYPD was in the Park yesterday "to clean up."

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Post reports Tompkins Square Park 'has become a homeless haven' (105 comments)

A look at the backlogged work orders and violations of local New York City Public Housing properties

[Photo of Scott Stringer from Monday's press conference]

According to a damning audit that City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released on Monday, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) makes its residents wait for weeks, months and sometimes even years before fixing serious problems.

In addition, "NYCHA officials have repeatedly fixed the numbers in the their backlog of repair requests without actually fixing the problems," as the Daily News put it.

Per the report (find the summary here; the news release here):
The audit ... revealed that NYCHA drastically under-reported data on its maintenance backlog, failed to properly train staff to get rid of mold, mildew, and excessive moisture conditions in tenants’ apartments, and fell dramatically short when it came to meeting its own deadlines for repairs.

The audit also found that the NYCHA routinely closed non-emergency work orders if residents were not home when workers visited their apartments. In total, the audit found 55,000 backlogged repairs ... while it took the NYCHA an average of 370 days to fix safety violations.

We asked Stringer's office for the stats on NYCHA properties in the East Village and Lower East Side.

The work order backlog numbers are as of July 2014 and violations are as of September 2014:

45 Allen Street: 42 backlogged work orders, 4 outstanding building violations
Baruch Houses: 904 backlogged work orders, 55 outstanding building violations
Bracetti Plaza: 20 backlogged work orders, 2 outstanding building violations
Campos Plaza: 87 backlogged work orders, 5 outstanding building violations
First Houses: 19 backlogged work orders, 1 outstanding building violation
Gompers Houses: 147 backlogged work orders, 9 outstanding building violations
LaGuardia Houses: 275 backlogged work orders, 26 outstanding building violations
LES Consolidated: 180 backlogged work orders, 30 outstanding building violations
Meltzer Tower: 60 backlogged work orders, 1 outstanding building violation
Riis: 718 backlogged work orders, 43 outstanding building violations
• Seward Park Extension: 121 backlogged work orders, 16 outstanding violations
Smith: 468 backlogged work orders, 32 outstanding violations
Vladeck Houses: 335 backlogged work orders, 42 outstanding violations
Wald: 330 backlogged work orders, 8 outstanding violations

For their part, NYCHA officials said that Stringer was recycling old data.

Per DNAinfo:

"Reviewing old work order data from January 1, 2013 — July 31, 2014, the audit measure a long-acknowledged, well-documented issue, which the new leadership at NYCHA was brought onboard to fix," NYCHA Chief Communications Officer Jean Weinberg said in a statement.

Stringer is "recommending investing in technology to track repairs in New York City’s public housing similar to the CompStat program that the Police Department uses to map and respond to crime," per The New York Times.

Contrada has not been open lately

Multiple readers have noted that Contrada, the Mediterranean-influenced restaurant on Second Avenue at East Fourth Street, has been closed since at least Saturday... a look inside reveals a nearly empty space... and someone has removed the Contrada menus from outside...

In addition, the restaurant's phone is temporarily disconnected ... and Open Table isn't accepting any reservations at this time. (There isn't any mention of a vacation or other temporary closure on Contrada's social media properties.) We reached out to proprietor Eric Anderson to see what might be going on with the space.

In the spring of 2014, the space evolved from Calliope, a French bistro, to Contrada... this after the departure of chefs Ginevra Iverson and Eric Korsh in January 2014.

As for Contrada, they were trying to do something different, making connections with the local art community ... including a brunch-time conversation with "Invisible Hand" director Ken Rus Schmoll and a celebration of Dylan Thomas, among other events.

Photos Saturday by Derek Berg

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

[Updated] Hey, you can buy 190 Bowery again (again)!

Developer Aby Rosen of RFR Realty bought the landmarked 190 Bowery from photographer Jay Maisel for a reported $55 million last year.

Back in November, Rosen was ready to flip the property, according to the Commercial Observer. However, that apparent re-sale never transpired ... but! It looks as if the historic Germania Bank Building on the corner of Spring Street is back on the market, Curbed reported earlier today.

Here's part of the Cushman & Wakefield listing:

The open floor plans combined with the property being delivered vacant, offer an unusually large blank canvas for a developer or user to execute a myriad of potential visions, including a boutique residential condominium, a retail flagship, or a truly historic and one-of-a-kind single family residence. Regardless of the strategy, the end result will change the landscape of the Bowery for years to come and will be a project unmatched in the price premiums it obtains.

There isn't any mention of the asking price (presumably it's higher than $55 million). No word on what happened to the previous tenants (a company made up of agencies representing creative professionals) who reportedly signed to lease part of the space.

Meanwhile, maybe there will be time for another art show here.

Updated 7-15

Oh, never mind! Reps told Curbed the building is NOT being resold...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Let's buy this building! 190 Bowery apparently back on the market

Take a last look inside the mysterious 190 Bowery