Thursday, June 3, 2010

3,000-square-foot bar/restaurant "with an occasional D.J." apparently moving forward on Avenue B

Last September, I noted that a new bar/eatery was coming into the dormant spaces at 14-16 Avenue B at Second Street...

Yesterday, work on the exterior began...

Back in January, Rebecca Marx at Fork in the Road reported that Beltrami Foods, an Italian restaurant, will open here. As she noted:

According to Cristiano Morroy, one of the restaurant's owners, Beltrami will be open from morning to night, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus. The chef will be Morroy's mother, a professional chef whose food reflects where she lived and worked in her native Italy. The restaurant's menu will have a strong southeastern accent, as Morroy's mother spent time in towns like Apulia and Otranto, both located in the heel of Italy's boot.

Although this is Morroy's first restaurant in New York, he already runs a catering company that does a lot of work in the fashion industry. His mother, he says, is quite well-known back in Italy, having cooked for both Mick Jagger's and Willem Dafoe's wedding party.

Two quick comments:

1) Jagger and Dafoe?!
2) Can Second Street between Avenue A and Avenue B possibly support another Italian restaurant? Especially with yet another one coming to Second Street and A? (And, more important, can this section of Avenue B support any more bars...?)

Back in February, the CB3/SLA folks denied Beltrami a license.... Here's how Eater reported it:

A yet-to-be-named group surfaced with a proposal to utilize the old Butterfly space, a stone's throw away from Sigmund, for a 3,000 square foot Italian restaurant, catering company and lounge "with an occasional D.J." This scenario sounds familiar - and the residents didn't hesitate to show their fresh battle scars from the throes of Le Souk, China 1 and Carnivale, all restaurants-gone-clubs that they say wrecked havoc on the peace and quiet in their 'hood. Needless to say, this was too much for CB3 and the community representatives to stomach, and after a lengthy dispute of pros and cons, the motion was denied.

As EV Grieve reader Mediainski commented back in February:

I love the claim of an "occasional DJ." In other words, this place is going to be blaring loud music every night!

Also! The denied transfer (from the former Butterfly at 14 Avenue B) led to an epic David McWater outburst at the meeting. The Lo-Down had all the details.

The current liquor license for this location is inactive...

Mosaic removal on St. Mark's Place?

I'm not sure what to make of this... As you can see here, someone wrapped tape around one of Jim Power's mosaics on St. Mark's Place and Second Avenue...

The tape has been ripped in part ... but it appears to say "Mosiac Work To Be Removed."

Last I heard, via Neighborhoodr, Jim was coming back to the neighborhood a few days a week to do some repair work on his Mosaic Trail... perhaps this is his print... and he intends to replace it... Or there's something else... there's a recent entry on Jim's blog that reads, "bad day......MOSAIC"S to be covered and REMOVED after 26 years."

As I said at the top, I'm not sure what to make of this...

Mowing the Mystery Lot

I can't recall having ever seen workers actually working inside the beloved Mystery Lot here on 13th Street... I always figured someone quickly -- and magically! -- cut back the weeds around 5:40 a.m. on a Sunday... And here we are in broad daylight... Anyway, I'm not sure how these fellows got inside...the main gate appeared to be locked from the outside. More mystery!

I was yelling at them to get their attention... I wanted to go inside (legally!). But, for some reason, they didn't hear me...

Meanwhile! Someone tagged the back of the billboard thing here...

When will someone hit the front?

The blue tarp was back up the other day...

Previously on EV Grieve:
An appreciation: That empty lot on 13th Street

Another view of the Mystery Lot

NOW what's going on with Superdive...?

The Keg Tapping Gang at Superdive appeared to be all set for this month's CB3/SLA meeting ... As Eater noted, "The Superdive space is on the docket, and apparently the new tenants want to change the size and location of the bar and add a kitchen."

But, as you can see, the "corp to be formed" part of this equation is now a scratch... (again... they have been a scratch the last few months...)

So, there are a lot of possible reasons for this scratch ... paperwork... the deal fell through... there was actually never a deal, etc. So maybe they'll remodel the space but not transfer the license...

Meanwhile, the We're open Friday and Saturday Nights/Yay! signs have been removed...

East Village eatery odds and ends: Opening the Ballarò sidewalk cafe; hiring at the Ninth Ward; looking at the Library's mirror in the bathroom

Ballarò Caffè Prosciutteria on Second Avenue between Fourth Street and Fifth Street now has their sidewalk cafe up and running...(the CB3/SLA approved it in April.)

...not sure about the couch, though...

26 Seats on Avenue B between 10th and 11th is on the CB3/SLA docket this month under the Alterations/Transfers/Upgrades ... to something called Paris Cuisine Inc.

A new fancy cocktail bar called Ninth Ward is opening on Second Avenue in the old Thai on Two place...from the people behind Shoolbred's across the way... Oh, and they're hiring now...

An espresso and wine bar is coming to the former Hala Pita space on Ninth Street near Avenue A...

Oh, I saw these T-shirts on sale on Mulberry...

Something new coming to the former Chabela's space at 40 Avenue B... to something called Little Printz Cafe LLC.

And East Village Feed reported: "The New York Film Academy Café will be continuously screening silent films on it’s new 65 inch television located on the outside of the Astor Place café." And you could see the TV in the window if there wasn't such a glare...and I wasn't, inexplicably, standing behind the tree...

And here's the smoking area...

The Bhakti Cafe is now open at 25 First Ave. ... (Well, it's not open for the day yet in this picture...)

Many places were closed on Memorial Day, but, oddly enough, Avenue A's brand-new Diablo Royale Este closed for the entire holiday weekend...

Hey, when did the Library get a mirror in the bathroom? (the one on the left.) Did I just not notice?

Hey, when did Katz's get that sandwiches sign? Did I just not notice? Too busy getting into shoving matches with those German tourists last time?

Lost: An orange, white and blue glass pin (head of a man)

I've been thinking about this handwritten note that I saw attached to a building on Ninth Street near First Avenue yesterday ...

The writing reminds of a relative on my mom's side of the family... I recall him being lonely and sad all the time. I recall that he made little circles to dot his i's. I thought he did that to try to cheer himself up. I'd like to know more about the lost pin. I thought about calling the number several times, but couldn't do it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10th Street, 6:33 p.m., June 2

On the set of "Something Borrowed" at Renwick Triangle.

When the Dead Apple Tours limo dies

On Second Street and Avenue A tonight.


From The Wall Street Journal:

Condo prices, as measured by square foot, were down 14.9% in March compared with the same month a year ago. In fact, prices declined in seven of the eight neighborhoods tracked by Radar Logic. The biggest decline was on the Upper East Side, where average prices fell 28.8% to $925.93 a square foot. The only neighborhood that posted an increase in prices was the East Village/Lower East Side, where prices per square foot rose 1% to $903.64.

Your guide to the doomed corners of the Bowery

It's challenging to remember all the change coming to what's left of the Bowery... so, a recap, starting next to the New Museum...

1) Speaking of the New Museum, they bought the former restaurant supply company at 231 Bowery here back in September 2008 for $16.6 million, according to the Times. Museum officials said they'd use the top floors for offices and storage and lease out the groundfloor to retail...

2) The parcel of land across the street from the New Museum has nearly 67,000 square feet of buildable space -- six lots on the Bowery at Prince Street... and it has been on the market...the Bari family has owned the property since the 1940s...

3) Eater reported last week that a new restaurant is taking over part of the Sunshine Hotel annex at 245 Bowery at Stanton Street...

4) At 57 Bond at the Bowery (your "new intersection of cool")... the former WaMu bank branch can be yours for retail... Seems like a 1,000 years ago when a Sunoco was on this corner.

5) 325 Bowery at Second Street will become the latest manly-man eatery/bar from Taavo Somer and William Tigertt...

6) I don't know about the southwest corner of the Bowery and Great Jones... can't image this will be an empty lot for too much longer...

7) As I reported last week, the space is available immediately at 348-352 Bowery, which includes the corner lot...

8) The former Salvation Army East Village Residence at 347 Bowery was primed to become an upscale sushi place, but the Koi people decided against it... still for the taking...

9) And as it has been reported this week, 2 Cooper Square will have apartments for upwards of $20,000 a month.


10) The White House at 338-340 Bowery is doomed... The four-story building erected in 1916 now serves as a hostel as well as a permanent home for a handful of low-income residents. It is destined to become a hotel...

11) The former Amato Opera building is now taking offers for use as a restaurant...

12) 250 Bowery is a stalled hotel project that is now a hole in the ground... As BoweryBoogie put it: "A dormant pit of doom defined by overgrowth, rusty steel pylons, and errant trash."

13) How about the northwest corner of Houston and the Bowery where Shepard Fairey is getting tagged now? Jeremiah has more on the history (and future) of this space....

And this is just from Prince to Fourth Street... keep going south and you'll find more disturbing closures and developments... BoweryBoogie has been all over this...

Not even a new dickchicken on one of these corners makes me smile anymore...

How to sell the Bowery today

Here's the brochure for the retail space at 231 Bowery... I don't think it needs any narration from me...