Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fire tonight at Il Cantinori on East 10th Street

Our inbox is full of photos and tips about a fire tonight on East 10th Street ... Several people thought the fire was around Third Avenue or Fourth Avenue... Here's a photo of the smoke from EV Grieve reader @meganlquesada in Williamsburg...

Turns out the fire broke out at Il Cantinori at 32 E. 10th St. between Broadway and University...

[Via @AlexMLeo]

We don't have much more information now than what is on Twitter...

Today in motorcycle rallies on the Bowery

Photos by Bobby Williams. Party was at Bowery Electric. BoweryBoogie has more on the annual Hells Angels Biker Bash here.

More on last night's falling window lintel on East 10th Street

We have more information about last night's near-miss accident on East 10th Street near Avenue B. Michael Sean Edwards was on the scene... He tells us that it was just after midnight when a third-floor window lintel fell to the sidewalk from 341 E. 10th St.

Per Michael:

"The main piece narrowly missed a young woman on the sidewalk. Considering the number of people on the sidewalk in front of and around the Blind Barber Bar, it is very fortunate that no one was injured. The police were on the scene and quickly taped off the area. The fire department responded, followed shortly by the Building Dept.

The area is now cordoned off and under police surveillance until the landlord erects a sidewalk shed and repairs the brickwork, which is visibly in pretty bad shape."

And here are his photos...


Week in Grieview

Chico's tribute to Bob Arihood (Thursday)

Under St. Mark's saved (Friday)

Why the Nutmobile was in the neighborhood (Monday)

IHOP unveils a huge sign (Monday)

A look inside John Legend's pad (Tuesday)

Yarning and de-yarning the Alamo (Monday)

The landlord who held Time Warner hostage (Tuesday)

Orphaned baby squirrel alert (Thursday)

A discussion on Chinese delivery (Friday)

An NYPD alert in East Third Street (Tuesday)

A near miss with a falling window mantel on East 10th Street

Earlier this morning (around 1 a.m.?), several readers noted falling debris on East 10th Street just west of Avenue B...

[Photo by @CelineNYC]

Per @mattheworley: "A mantle just fell off a 3rd floor window above Blind Barber, almost falling on the line to get in. 1000 firemen outside my apt now."

We didn't hear of any injuries. This morning, EV Grieve reader Ted Roden's photos give us an idea of what happened... you can see the damage to the DSA Management awning...

Here's another shot from @rviloria ...

'De Flea' Arts & Crafts Market returns this afternoon

From the EV Grieve inbox...from our friend Our Lady of Perpetual PMS...

After a July-August summer hiatus, this artist-run, monthly arts flea market returns to the East Village! The "De Flea" Market benefits a different animal rescue group each month! We'll be raffling off a ton of great prizes and 100% of the raffle proceeds go to our guest charity.

This month our guests will be WAGGY TAIL RESCUE. Shop cheap jewelry, vintage clothes, kitsch-punk accesories/crafts & more. Handmade artwork from local artists & personalities such as Lynn Von (Da Willys, Vondells), Cid Scantleberry, Our Lady of Pertual PMS & more.

A laid-back good time in the tradition of East Village activism, infused with rock and roll spirit, for a good cause! Held in a spacious back room where DJ Chandler provides the music, & Ms. Chloe provides the libations in the front bar. 2 for 1 happy hour specials if you wish to indulge.

Held once per month on the second Sunday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street at Washington Square Park today

Bobby Williams was there....

Ricky's on First Avenue is now open

Dave on 7th notes that the Ricky's on First Avenue near Seventh Street opened today... at the former site of the Miracle Grill... Jeremiah first noted this new arrival back in June...

At Bob Arihood's memorial this afternoon

[Photos by Shawn Chittle]

Under way now at The 6th Street and Avenue B Community Garden.

A message on Avenue A this morning?

Reminders today: Memorial for Bob Arihood

Also this afternoon, a free concert in Tompkins Square Park organized by Jay "Blonde Boy" Wilson and sponsored by The Shadow.

Looking for the Mallomars?

This morning in Tompkins Square Park.

Introducing the latest line of defense against the Tompkins Square Park rats

Not the guitar player!

After writing that stupid headline, I did a little research. We may be on to something here. From the Success With Poultry blog:

Rats are primarily nocturnal animals, so if you are regularly seeing them in the day, it probably means that you have a lot of them. They are not interested in your chickens as such, but they are interested in the food that your chickens are eating ... A rat might attack a chicken, but an angry chicken can be a mighty foe, and it is not unknown for chickens to kill (and eat) rats.

Life lesson for today: an angry chicken can be a mighty foe

Photos yesterday by Bobby Williams.

At the Old OLD Essex Market this weekend

From the EV Grieve inbox ... we like Fly's work...

Come and hang out with Fly at the PEOPs booth Saturday and Sunday from noon - 8 pm at the Old OLD Essex Market southeast corner of Essex and Delancey — (south of current Essex Market)
PEOPs #3 #4 #5 & latest issue #6 will be available — plus other zines & books and spray-painted t-shirts and patches, etc.

We should have written about all this much sooner ... a lot of cool LES people involved with this project every day ... through next Sunday. For more info about the Market Project and the many other participants, go here.